Why talk of Kavach is not just Meaningless it is acceptance of complete failure of IR’s top management
Nothing, Nothing happens in Rail Bhawan, cancerous growth of #AIDS in lack of rotation has not left any hope of repair or restitution in Indian Railways
Talking of Kavach by railwaymen is nothing less than treason, it is complete abdication of duties from top to bottom
Collapse of 4 tier Safety architecture did not happen in Balasore, trigger is in 3rd Floor of Rail Bhawan
Editorial Comment:
बालासोर, उड़ीसा की दुखद घटना ने हम सबको बुरी झकझोर दिया है। #Railwhispers और #RailSamachar का दर्द यह भी है कि हमने ऐसी दुखद घटनाओं की आशंकाओं की ओर इंगित भी किया था और लगातार करते आ रहे हैं। लेकिन कुछ-एक इनपुट को छोड़, #KMG के पाश में जकड़े रेल भवन ने कुछ नहीं किया। ईश्वर साक्षी है कि किसने अपना धर्म निभाया। पद पर बैठकर पद के धर्म का निर्वाह न करना पाप ही है, और इस पाप में सहभागी वह सब हैं जिनकी चुप्पी, कुर्सी प्रेम देशवासियों के प्रति उनकी उदासीनता दर्शाता है।
माननीय प्रधानमंत्री मोदी जी ने अपने को प्रधानसेवक कहा और इस बात का बार-बार आह्वान किया कि नौकरशाही का मालिक वह आखिरी पायदान पर खड़ा देश का नागरिक है-यही हमारे लोकतंत्र की रीढ़ है, इसी में पं. दीनदयाल उपाध्याय जी के द्वारा दिए गए मंत्र- अंत्योदय पर आधारित कार्य प्रणाली निहित है। देश के प्रधानसेवक ने तो अपनाया यह कर्तव्य निभाया, लेकिन उन्होंने व्यवस्था में छिपे उन विषैले साँपों के प्रति भी आगाह किया जिसे उन्होंने ‘खान मार्केट गैंग’ की संज्ञा दी। मार्मिक फिल्म ‘कश्मीर फाइल्स’ का एक डायलॉग आज भी – जब गैर वामपंथी सोच की सरकार ने ९ साल पूरे कर लिए हैं – विचलित कर देता है – सरकार उनकी है, लेकिन सिस्टम हमारा है।
बालासोर को हम मात्र एक दुर्घटना नहीं समझ पा रहे, बदली सरकार के पुराने सिस्टम – जिसे हमने रेल का #KMG कहा – द्वारा की गई हत्या ही मान रहे हैं।
“बालासोर का भयावह हादसा शुरुआत है #रेलवे के आने वाले भयंकर दिनों की प्रधानमंत्री जी!”
प्रस्तुत लेख में रेल के हाल ही में सेवानिवृत्त अधिकारियों का इनपुट है। यह लेख प्रश्नोत्तर शैली में लिखा गया है!
Q: Can 4 train incident that killed 300 and injured more than a thousand at Balasore be called an accident?
A: Unlike what has been talked about, the accident part in the incident is series of collision. But what triggered them was not accidental.
I know I am making a very bold claim. Ask any field hand, just about any- “are they aware of such working practices where interlocking gets manually bypassed as routine?” and the answer is ‘YES’ (emphasis intended).
Interrupted and asked, What triggered the accident was:
Coromandel Express travelling at close to 130 kmph was given run through the main line. The driver knows this when he sees all green signals.
Though the driver saw a green signal, the track was not set on the main line, it was set on a line where a loaded iron ore goods train was parked.
This triggered the follow-on collision or rear end collision of Coromandel Express with a loaded freight train.
Justification of utilisation of safety fund
Q: Could the driver see that though the train was signalled to travel on the main line, it was routed to the loop line where the freight train was standing?
A: Not always. Driver already has several functions and his primary instinct is to focus on signals. Sometimes, signals get obstructed, or his locomotive may be having some fault.
However, in much quoted instance, where a driver noticed this and stopped, happened in identical circumstances. “Odisa train accident: Official flagged ‘serious flaws in signalling system’ in February“.
Q: How rare is this mode of failure which led to the Balasore accident?
A: No, not rare at all. What was done is in knowledge of all those who have ever worked on field as normal working practice.
Earliest accident reported in the media, where 17 died was of Sabarmati Express in 2005 when Sabarmati Express collided with the rear of a container train.
“Sabarmati Exp accident: 17 dead, 80 injured”
Under identical circumstances, the New Farakka Express collided with a goods train near Raebareli.
“Friday’s Balasore tragedy a repeat of 2018 UP accident”
Q: What is the role of Kavach?
A: Kavach is best described as band aid for a haemorrhaging patient.
Kavach is essentially an overlay-not a signalling system in its strictest sense. #Kavach even as an overlay and aid to the drivers could not have prevented such accidents.
Kavach type of collision avoidance made sense when there were single lines and mechanical signalling.
Absolute block system as a concept guarantees presence of only one train in a block section. Focus has to be on basics.
Kavach is going to draw precious resources to a technology which will not address underlying causes of collisions.
Presumption behind push for Kavach is dangerous acceptance that in times when no mechanical interlocking exists, a train can be wrongly dispatched into an occupied line.
Q: Why do you describe Indian Railways as haemorrhaging patient?
A: #Railwhispers has published following articles:
Also, #Railwhispers has published detailed articles deliberating:
When Officer becomes Vendor-please read or three part series:
“अधिकारी-वेंडर-नेक्सस का नया स्वरूप-अधिकारी स्वयं बना वेंडर Part-1”
“अधिकारी-वेंडर-नेक्सस का नया स्वरूप-अधिकारी स्वयं बना वेंडर Part-2”
“अधिकारी-वेंडर-नेक्सस का नया स्वरूप-अधिकारी स्वयं बना वेंडर Part-3”
When Vendor Becomes Minister – “300 Dead – is there still a doubt on choice between Modi-Sense Vs Sudheer-Sense?” – In this article, it was explained how #RailSafety is a 4 tier system and also you have explained how all the four tiers have been breached. Today #Rail_Safety does not have even one leg to stand on.
“Modi-Sense Vs Sudheer-Sense – Your Pick Mr Rail Minister! Part-1“
“Modi-Sense Vs Sudheer-Sense – Your Pick Mr Rail Minister! Part-2“
“Modi-Sense Vs Sudheer-Sense – Your Pick Mr Rail Minister! Part-3“
In this: “300 Dead – is there still a doubt on choice between Modi-Sense Vs Sudheer-Sense?“ #Railwhispers explained the top two problems of Indian Railways today.
Misdeeds of Railway Vigilance has been published in the following:
“रेलमंत्री का विजिलेंस विभाग पर बयान: रेलवे/सरकार की पालिसी कैसे समझ सकते हैं अनुभवहीन अधिकारी!“
“माननीय मंत्री जी और बोर्ड मेंबर, कृपया रोकें अब हत्या और लूट का सिलसिला!“
“फीडबैक का संज्ञान न लेने से फैलते कैंसर की जवाबदेही किसकी – मंत्री, सीआरबी, सीवीसी?“
“Venom spitting dragon named Vigilance“
“#KMG व्यवस्था में रेल सिस्टम खतरे में है? अगर अब भी कारगर कदम नहीं उठाए गए तो!“
and many more in your 4 volume series- “जब व्यक्ति व्यवस्था से बड़े हो जाते हैं!”
Q: Why does haemorrhaging continue?
A: #Railwhispers and #RailSamachar have published on wasteful expenditure by wrong selection of rolling stock. Height is that Rs. 100 crore per train is what Indian Railways wants to spend by wrong selection. Same is the case of #signalling_cartels where the same product gets purchased at ten times the cost by just changing the mode of procurement from stores to works.
#Railwhispers has published detailed articles deliberating signalling cartel and corruption:
“Mr PCSTE/NR: Pls prove that you aren’t a part of the corrupt signalling cartel!”
“Who is giving protection from the top to signalling contractors to loot the Railways?”
“Who is giving protection from the top to signalling contractors to loot the Railways! Part-2”
“Who is giving protection from the top to signalling contractors to loot the Railways? Part-3”
“Who is influencing the purchase of Signalling items in SER?”
“What will SCAM of thousands crores in purchase of Signalling Equipment cost the govt?”
“Finally exposed the corruption & cartelization in railway signalling department”
“South Eastern Railway: The Jageer of the signalling contractors”
“Scam continues: Signalling officials openly misusing funds to loot Railways”
#Railwhispers published details of officers running industries and taking orders on #IREPS. You have also published how #railway_vigilance has broken back of honesty. Last but not least you published the #cartel of #PUFoam manufacturers who are pushing dangerous material which is not considered #safe by #RailwayBoard Committee, but the coaches have not been recalled.
“अधिकारी-वेंडर-नेक्सस का नया स्वरूप-अधिकारी स्वयं बना वेंडर! भाग-2”
“अधिकारी-वेंडर-नेक्सस का नया स्वरूप-अधिकारी स्वयं बना वेंडर, भाग-3”
“Efforts to address an important Safety concern did yeild results”
Nothing, Nothing happens in #RailBhawan, cancerous growth of #AIDS in lack of #rotation has not left any hope of repair or restitution in Indian Railways.
Talking of #Kavach by #railwaymen is nothing less than treason, it is complete abdication of duties from top to bottom. Collapse of 4 tier #Safety architecture did not happen in #Balasore, trigger is in 3rd Floor of Rail Bhawan.
कुछ सामयिक प्रश्न और उठते हैं, जिनका समुचित उत्तर भी सज्ञान अधिकारियों ने दिया-
प्रश्न: जैसा आप बता रहे हैं कि कवच केवल एक ही ट्रैक पर आमने-सामने से आने वाली ट्रेनों को ही डिटेक्ट कर सकता है और असावधान ड्राइवर के चलते ट्रेन को रोक सकता है, तो फिर कवच को जल्दी से जल्दी लगाए जाने की वकालत कुछ रिटायर्ड अधिकारी क्यों कर रहे हैं?
उत्तर: वह लोग ऐसी वकालत इसलिए कर रहे हैं, क्योंकि इस कथित मास्टर पीस – कवच – को बनाने और रेलवे को बेचने तथा इसकी लॉबिंग करने सहित इन कंपनियों को बढ़ाने में उनका बहुत बड़ा योगदान रहा है! इसीलिए तो जिन फर्मों को रेलवे ने कवच लगाने के टेंडर आवंटित किए हैं, उन्हें ये कंपनियां कवच देने में हीलाहवाली कर रही हैं!
प्रश्न: यदि इलेक्ट्रॉनिक इंटरलॉकिंग जैसे बनाई गई है, वह सही ढ़ंग से काम करे और उससे मैन्युअल हस्तक्षेप की संभावनाओं को खत्म कर दिया जाए, तो क्या कवच की आवश्यकता है?
उतर: नहीं। कवच मात्र एक ओवरले है। इसे पूरा सिग्नलिंग सिस्टम बनने में अभी लंबा समय है। कवच कालांतर में इन-कैब सिग्नलिंग बनेगा-यह निश्चित है, और ये ठीक भी है, इससे कोहरे में पटाखे लगाने की व्यवस्था खत्म हो जाएगी। लेकिन ये कहना कि एक्सीडेंट नहीं होंगे, जैसे बालासोर में (2023), हरचंदपुर में (2018), गुजरात में (2005) हुए या दक्षिण पश्चिम रेलवे में अवर्ट हुआ (फरवरी 2023)-ये नितांत गलत और भ्रामक होगा।
बालासोर हादसे को सांप्रदायिक रंग देने का प्रयास क्यों?
All the three ministers in the Ministry of Railways are only busy in their own interests while playing the tune of #Rail_Reforms, they are engaged in serving the interests of their favourite companies and contractors. They do not see any point in the #System_Reform of the railways. In the last nine years, the Hon’ble Prime Minister has invested lakhs of crores for the rejuvenation of the railways, but even an iota of its benefit has not reached the common rail passengers. Despite the Prime Minister’s zero tolerance, #Corruption in the railways is at its peak. The shamelessness with which the minister was defended after the horrific and heart-wrenching Balasore accident – in which reportedly 40-45 passengers were electrocuted apart from more than 250 dying due to collision – has left the people of the country deeply hurt. The result of all this can be seen in the #LokSabha elections to be held next year!
Compiled by: Suresh Tripathi