GM’s Bold Move: Defying Railway Board, Honoring Scandal-Linked CVI

The fate of RCF and the trust of the people it serves are at stake. Only by addressing these unanswered questions head-on and holding those responsible accountable can the Rail Coach Factory hope to reclaim its integrity and restore public confidence

The Railway Board’s letter dated April 11, 2023, titled “Transforming of Awards,” stipulates a strict limit of a maximum of 100 awardees or 0.1% of the workforce of the Zonal Railways, whichever is lower- para 2(b). With #RCF currently employing around 7,000 employees and officers, as per above guidelines, the maximum number of awardees allowed is a mere 07. Yet, it appears that a whopping 55 individuals are being awarded.

This begs the question: does Mr Ashesh Agrawal, GM/RCF, hold a position superior to that of the Railway Board and the Government of India to warrant such a deviation from the established guidelines?

Sh. Ashesh Agrawal, GM/RCF, Kapurthala

In a shocking revelation that has sent shockwaves through the #Railwhispers community, it has come to light that one of the central figures in a web of #scandals plaguing the Rail Coach Factory (#RCF) is none other than the favored Chief Vigilance Inspector, Sh. Arvind Kumar Tripathi. Astonishingly, on September 15, 2023, Sh. Ashesh Agrawal, the General Manager of RCF, is set to award Sh. Arvind Kumar Tripathi, a man implicated in multiple instances of embezzlement and corruption within the organization.

The gravity of this situation cannot be overstated. It is Sh. Arvind Kumar Tripathi’s actions that have allowed various firms to maintain their stranglehold on RCF, as evidenced by his involvement in various misdeeds. From crafting anonymous letters to initiating dubious proceedings, from #extortion in the guise of seat and berth damage to shady dealings in the #scrap case, it is well known among RCF employees and officers that Sh. Arvind Kumar Tripathi is synonymous with corruption.

Sh. Arvind Kumar Tripathi, CVI/RCF

This begs the question: How can GM/RCF justify bestowing an award upon an individual so deeply entrenched in the scandals plaguing the organization? What criteria led to this baffling decision? Is it a reward for his role as a #collector for both the #GM and the Chief Vigilance Officer (#CVO), or is it for his alleged “meritorious” work in facilitating #Corruption or award by GM to #Vigilance for not making a case on GM due to his alleged misconduct in M/s #DTL case and others as published in earlier articles?

Multi-crore primer supply scam going on at RCF, Kapurthala under the patronage of management!

Bogus complaint against a firm cooked up by RCF Vigilance Department itself for the #extortion?

RCF: To blackmail the firm and make illegal gratification, the seats/berths in the new coach were torn

RCF: Despite providing comprehensive details about the Primer Scam, no action has been taken against those involved

The Indian Railway’s reputation and the trust of its employees and the public are at stake

RCF: Passenger’s safety at stake due to Shady deals, Compromised quality and Rampant corruption, part-1

RCF: Passenger’s safety at stake due to Shady deals, Compromised quality and Rampant corruption, part-2

RCF: Passenger’s safety at stake due to Shady deals, Compromised quality and Rampant corruption, part-3

RCF: Passenger’s safety at stake due to Shady deals, Compromised quality and Rampant corruption, part-4

Deepening Questions: RCF Scandals and the Agrawal Brothers’ Involvement

Modus operandi of officers lobby at RCF Kapurthala

The unanswered questions are both numerous and alarming. In a chilling revelation, the unanswered questions surrounding the Rail Coach Factory’s scandals find a sinister connection with the award bestowed upon Sh. Arvind Kumar Tripathi, the Chief Vigilance Inspector (#CVI). This connection, without a shadow of a doubt, points to the tacit approval of #GMRCF, and #CVORCF, in the rampant embezzlement plaguing the organization. The very act of awarding Sh. Arvind Kumar Tripathi on September 15, 2023, by Sh. Ashesh Agrawal, GM/RCF, only serves to strengthen the suspicion that the highest echelons of RCF’s leadership are complicit in these shocking misdeeds.

List of Awardees for GM’s Railway Awards-2023

The #Railwhispers community, along with concerned citizens, has raised a chorus of questions that demand immediate and unequivocal answers. The nexus between Sh. Arvind Kumar Tripathi and the multitude of scandals cannot be ignored or dismissed lightly. It is a glaring testament to the deep-rooted corruption that has taken hold within RCF. As these troubling revelations continue to surface, the public’s faith in the organization and its leadership hangs by a thread.

In this pivotal moment, it is paramount that the veil of #secrecy be lifted, and a rigorous and impartial #investigation be launched to uncover the truth. The fate of RCF and the trust of the people it serves are at stake. Only by addressing these unanswered questions head-on and holding those responsible accountable can the Rail Coach Factory hope to reclaim its integrity and restore public confidence. The time for action is now, and anything less would be an affront to justice and accountability.

A sincere request to #CRB & #PEDVigilance to look into the matter with utmost sincerity and take corrective actions as deemed necessary.

#RailwayBoard #AshwiniVaishnaw #CEORlyBd #CRB #CVC #IndianRailways #RCFKapurthala #MTRS #PMOIndia #Policy #RailMinister #RaiMinIndia #Award