Ministry of Railways launches Swachchhata Pakhwada-2023

Swachchhata Pakhwada is being observed from 16th Sept. to 2nd Oct. 2023

Swachchhata Pakhwada-2022 awards given to best performing three Zonal Railways

New Delhi (PIB): Ministry of Railways has launched #Swachchhata_Pakhwada-2023 on 15th September, 2023. Swachchhata Pakhwada-2023 was inaugurated by Smt. Jaya Varma Sinha, Chairperson & CEO, Railway Board on 15th September, 2023 by administrating Swachhata Pledge in Rail Bhawan. Swachhata pledge was administered to entire Railway family which includes employees of Railways along with senior officials of Railway Zones and Divisions connected via video conferencing.

Smt Jaya Varma Sinha, Chairperson/CEO/RlyBd addressing on the occasion of Swachchhata Pakhwada-2023

Swachchhata Pledge taken by entire Railway family focused on one’s commitment towards cleanliness, devoting hundred hours per year for cleanliness and propagating the message of Swachchh Bharat Mission.

Ministry of Railways is observing Swachchhata Pakhwada from 16th September 2023 to 30th September 2023. Ministry of Railways has extended it suo-moto up to 2nd October and has decided to culminate it with Mahatama Gandhi’s Jayanti.

Swachchhata Pledge taken by entire Railway family

This year, joint campaign of Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs and Ministry of Jal Shakti namely ‘Swachhata hi Sewa’ (#SHS) Campaign (from 15.09.23 to 02.10.23) is also being celebrated. Activities of SHS have been integrated with Indian Railways’ Swachchhata Pakhwada programme.

For Swachchhata Pakhwada-2023, dedicated days have been assigned for activities during pakhwada like Swachchh Railgadi, Swachchh Station, Swachchh Aahar, Swachchh Tracks etc. Extensive awareness campaign are also planned to be carried out through digital media/public announcement via PA systems to educate people about the use of bio-toilets, avoiding single use plastic and observing cleanliness habits.

In order to ensure greater participation & more effective outcome of the fortnight, Swachhata Pakhwada Awards have been provided to each ministry by Ministry of Jal Shakti (nodal Ministry) for awarding to field functionaries/ attached offices/ subordinate organizations for exemplary performance during pakhwada period. Previous year Swachchhata Pakhwada-2022 awards have been given to following zonal railways:

1st Position: South Western Railway;
2nd Position: Western Railway;
3rd Position: North Eastern Railway.

Indian Railways is an environment friendly means of bulk transportation and it has always been in the forefront of promoting clean and green environment. It has taken several initiatives for providing clean environment in and around Railway stations and trains such as Bio toilets on coaches leading to clean tracks, segregation of bio degradable/non bio degradable waste, solid waste management, discourage use of single use plastic etc.