Join Drive – “Zero Death On Railway Tracks”

Let’s travel by trains to our destination not under them to the ultimate destiny!

Hundreds of people die on Railway tracks daily all over the Indian Railway due to tress passing, open defecation on Railway tracks, negligent boarding/de-boarding, dangerous travel, getting down from trains on mid-sections etc.

Speeds of trains have increased and sound of their movement has reduced considerably. On every Division there are a few dies daily on these counts. Even there are also few cases daily in some of Divisions of unsafe working by railwaymen.

Recently, one sad evening some passenger got down from an Express train near Srikakulam in Waltair Division, East Coast Railway after pulling chain and got down in the mid section at around 9 pm and strayed on the other track. As a result 6 of them got run over by the speeding Konark Express instantly.

As every life is precious and each death devastates a family, one of the Division – Waltair – at least in the last 8 months, has been spreading public awareness at all major stations including Vishakhapatnam against death on tracks.

Many Divisions of other Zonal Railways have also joined in this Drive. Railway officers and staff have been at the fire front to counsel the travelling public with the help of Scouts & Guides, Civil Defence, Labour Unions, staff Associations,  Political parties, Press & other Media, Social Media, State Governments, District Authorities, NGOs, Schools, colleges and the general public.

“We want zero death on our tracks. We are in favour of safe working and complete safe & comfortable train journey”, said Anup Satpathy, DRM/Waltair Division, East Coast Railway.

Travel slogans:

1. Let’s travel by trains to our destination not under them to the ultimate destiny!

2. Suicide is certainly not a glorious thing to do!

Please join this campaign for Zero death on Railway tracks.

#Drive #Zero_Death_On_Tracks