Railway’s propagation of passenger centric services are being proved as false

Non-compliance of rule in Indian Railways PRS system in the lower berth allotment for the old persons and disabled passengers

#IndianRailways is behaving whimsically to reply to a 70 years old #passenger Kalyan Ghosh straightforward question that in accordance with the Indian Railways’ reservation rule, why the lower berth is not automatically allotted to one of the #seniorcitizens as the same is allotted to a young passenger traveling in a group of 4 persons?

Office of the Chief Commercial Manager (Passenger Marketing), #PRS Computer Center, #CentralRailway, Mumbai / 02-2024, Letter No. C/T/CR/Mumbai/02-2024, date: 26/06/2024 informed that “your query is examined by the office and it is found that #allotment of accommodation for citizens (over 60 years of male and 45 years of female) are done automatically by #system subject to availability of lower berths at the time of booking on first come first serve basis”.

Booked ticket for four passengers of Kalyan Ghosh and his family

This rule is not applied for rail ticket of Mr #KalyanGhosh and his family for the reason not known, and also not explained by the concerned authority.

  • Passenser’s query has not been answered properly after examination of the rail ticket, only the rule is quoted.
  • Sl. No. 1: 70 years male, Sl. No. 2, 69 years female have been allotted upper berths. Sl. No. 3, 41 years male has been allotted lower berth in the same ticket.
  • The passenger reservation system (#PRS) has not automatically allotted the available lower berth at the time of booking to the senior passengers in Sl. No.1 or Sl. No.2.
  • First come first serve basis is defeated as Sl. No. 1 or Sl. No. 2 has not been allotted automatically the available lower berth at the time of ticket booking.
  • The #RailSeva and the #PRS Computer Center have deliberately ignored his straightforward question that the allotment of berth in his rail ticket is correct or incorrect? CCM/PM have cited the railway rules only turning blind to applicability of the rule in the instant case. 

This is a serious lapse of #service by the #railway. Moreover #lowerberth allotment is an absolute necessity for the vulnerable passengers. Prevalent rule for allotment of lower berths to these #Passengers should be free from any frills. An old man, old lady and disabled passengers have serious risks in getting up and down to upper berths. These hardships are not being realized by the Indian Railways on humanitarian ground.

Railway’s propagation of passenger centric services are being proved as false. Many times this issue has been posted on social media and news media. Indian Railways should ensure a safe and comfortable journey to the vulnerable passengers.

These important deficiencies of the Indian Railways in passenger services, it is requested to the railway minister and RailwayBoard please do take cognizance of this serious matter and pursue for a straightforward answer from the authorities concerned.