अगर सुचारु रूप से चलते काम में ईर्ष्यावश टांग अड़ाई जाएगी, तब शिकायतें तो आएंगी ही! छीछालेदर भी होगी!
कितने लोगों को पता है कि केवल नई दिल्ली से चलने वाली ट्रेनों के लिए बेडशीटों की संख्या कितनी है!
#दक्षिणरेलवे के एक वरिष्ठ अधिकारी ने जब #Linen और #OBHS के बिलों के भुगतान के लिए बजट की कमी के बारे में बात की थी, जब उस अधिकारी ने 32 करोड़ के बकाया बिलों के कारण यात्री सेवा में कटौती की आशंका व्यक्त की थी, तो रातों-रात उसका ट्रांसफर चेन्नई से बेला, बिहार कर दिया गया। उसके प्रमोशन रोक दिए गए, उसके ऊपर तमाम विजिलेंस केस ठोंक दिए गए।
और इतना ही नहीं, रेलवे बोर्ड के शीर्ष पद तक अपनी कार्य-क्षमता से पहुँचने का दमखम रखने वाले इस अधिकारी को बेला से ही रिटायर होने के लिए अभिशप्त कर दिया गया।
कोविड के दौरान, और उसके बहुत बाद तक लिनेन की सप्लाई रोक दी गई। #BOOT लॉन्ड्री की सफलता अब आंख में गड़ने लगी थी। नई #BOOT लॉन्ड्री के कॉन्ट्रैक्ट और चलते हुए कॉन्ट्रैक्ट्स पर रोक लगा दी गई। बोला गया – बगल की गली के धोबी से धुलवा लो!
कितने लोगों को पता है कि केवल नई दिल्ली से चलने वाली ट्रेनों के लिए बेडशीटों की संख्या कितनी है! साढ़े तीन लाख! इसमें डेढ़ लाख तकिए के खोल और इतने ही तौलिए और जोड़ लें। यह संख्या विश्व की सबसे बड़ी होटल चेन के सैकड़ों होटलों से भी अधिक है। ऐसी ही संख्या चेन्नई, मुंबई, कोलकाता के सीनियर डीएमई के पास है। छोटे शहरों में इससे कुछ कम होगी, तथापि वहाँ उपलब्ध होटलों से बहुत अधिक!
अगर सुचारु रूप से चलते काम में ईर्ष्यावश टांग अड़ाई जाएगी, तो शिकायतें तो आएंगी ही! छीछालेदर होगी, सो अलग! अब जरा उपरोक्त परिप्रेक्ष्य में #दक्षिणमध्यरेलवे में हुए #लिनेन-कांड को देखा जाए, जहां इसकी आपूर्ति तो शायद हुई ही नहीं, बल्कि केवल कागजी खानापूर्ति होने की आशंका जताई जा रही है-
#BedRoll #Linen items i.e. #Bedsheets are being regularly complained for bad quality. These complaints in social media occupy maximum space and still the #RailwayBoard and #Authorities of #ZonalRailway’s has no action to control this area. In the name of #urgency and to issue any #rotten_quality bed sheets, lakhs of bed sheets are purchased either through #GEM or exercising the #Single_Tender_Policy.
Though compliance of #quantity of bed sheets are done by #Stores department but #favoritism to few selected #firms and encouraging receiving bad #quality as risen.
South Central Railway (#SCR) is in focus for these adverse #complaints but no checks are done regularly. #Tenders are floated to a certain condition but later these are amended in the name of urgency to favour their selected firm for pecuniary gains.
It is a common practice that in the name of urgency #materials of selected and favoured few firms are just unloaded in depots, issued before a receipt note is generated so that no trace of materials exists in the stores depots in case of any investigative agencies like #CBI happen to make a check.
This act is going on repeatedly and the loser is the general #public who have to bear the brunt of getting sub-standard #bedsheets and all their #complaints in social media is never responded with earnestness.
Recently a #PO was placed by #SCR against #GEM Order No. GEMC-511687723317185 dt.21.07.23 on M/s Bunkar Jatiy Hathkargha Sahkari Samiti Ltd., Kanpur. In this #order originally it was third party #inspection (#TPI) by #IntertekIndia Pvt Ltd., which was amended to #RITES and just before delivery it was amended to #Consignee inspection.
If a glance of the #receipt notes granted (1) Receipt Note No. 2223100930 dtd. 09.10.2023 and (2) Receipt Note No.2223100931 dtd. 09.10.2023 by #Mettuguda depot of #SCR is seen, it states 70000 Nos bedsheets unloaded on 06.10.2023 from 2 trucks (sain to contain 35000 Nos each truck) without indicating the #truck/vehicle #registration numbers in the said receipt notes and issued on #challan to #CDO/SC without even checking the #quality and #quantity on 06.10.2023 i.e., before checking the quality and quantity.
If #materials are issued breaking all #rules and #regulations then it is beyond doubt that the quality of materials will surely be adverse or compromised.
The #cost of bed sheets is around ₹370 each and the cost of bed sheets supplied is not more than ₹70 to ₹80. So not just the sub-standard quality but there is no guessing how much #bribes the firms have paid can be clearly understood.
Moreover, if there is an urgency, diverting full 70,000 Numbers on the date of receipt i.e. 06.10.2023 is a mystery since all #coaching units have adequate #stocks and no #trains are left wanting for bed sheets.
SCR #Vigilance only acts upon the dictates of a few selected officers to #harass firms not in their good books and no #preventive_checks to nail the #guilty in the above case.
The trailing investigation for sub-standard bedsheets – no material received-only paper working?
This is a #trailing investigation of sub-standard Bed Sheets being put in use by South Central Railway for which common man gets inconvenienced, and the leads strongly points towards Senior Railway Officers’ instructions only for gains not/well known, else depot officer can never have the #courage to immediately remove any #evidence of #material in #stocks without checks and balances.
It is now upon central #investigation agencies to question the #depot officer of #Mettuguda how around 1050 bales (100 #Bedsheets per bale) said to contain total 1,05,000 numbers bed sheets can be received on 06.10.2023 at 12.40 hrs, #unloaded, #stacked, #counted, #checked and #reissued to user #units by way of loading in their #trucks on #challan basis in a span of 4 working hours on 06.10.2023?
To substantiate this aspect, we are attaching the so-called gate entry updated by the depot staff in e-dispatch note statement, it shows 3 trucks have said to have arrived on 06.10.2023 from 12.36 hrs to 12.40 hrs, and it is a common knowledge that with lunch period, extending till 3.00 pm in depots, it is just impossible to show #receipts of 1,05,000 bed sheets can be #verified and #issued. Any lay man can say that no materials have been received, just paper workings done.
More interesting is that if a glance on the #e_dispatch memos generated by the #firm, it shows that they have got the so-called materials inspected by #RITES, but #SCR maintains that materials are checked in respect to amendment no. 005826 dtd. 15.09.2023 issued by #Stores department of #SCR, which states #inspection to be done by M/s #IntertekIndia Pvt Ltd.
So, the so-called 1,05,000 numbers bed sheets show #disturbing evidences in favour of the #firm in regards to any #inspection and actual #supply of materials.
Hence, it is now upon the safeguarding #institution to jump upon and #investigate if really 1,05,000 numbers of bed sheets valuing ₹4.00 crore have really received or just paper works done, since #payments made within 24 hrs after issue of #receipt note by the #accounts department to the #firm is common man’s #tax paying money.
More interesting facts will follow soon to #unravel this #mystery.
जब थर्ड पार्टी इंस्पेक्शन #IREPS के टेंडर्स पर लागू होता है तो #GEM के टेंडर्स पर भी यही प्रावधान क्यों नहीं लागू होता?