Protecting the corrupt can perhaps have a convoluted justification, but protecting the captains of unsafe practices is utterly illogical

Hon’ble #Mantri ji, let your smart engineers of Integral Coach Factory (#ICF) work to eliminate jerks in #LHB coaches, make bio-toilets which remain odour free, make small efficient & cheap rolling stock to connect India’s hinterland, take Indian farmers’ produce to big markets.

March 16, 2025: “Electronics Technology for Hyperloop Project to be developed at ICF : Ashwini Vaishnaw

There is a Department of Science & Technology to work in new technology. Your organisation has already buggered up reform of #RDSO. Hon’ble Modi ji, please get the priorities of your Rail Ministry right and aligned with your vision.

By the way, #ICF did not develop complex electronic systems. This was done by a company, with #IndianRailways’ engineers signing the drawings and bills only as they were presented.

And yes, you may like to ask your #Board share a day’s #asset-failure list to know what is the state of affairs to help you decide your priorities. Pusillanimous Board Members, Members of Khan Market Gang (#KMG) and All India Delhi Service (#AIDS), which pack your #RailBhawan, will only invent justifications for your whims-day of reckoning; however, it comes for everyone. Sir, go deeper beyond your yes-men and yes-women; see how many averted #accidents have gone unreported.

How a piece of wire wrongly placed or mischievously connected can make #Balasore look like a child’s play—refusal to go into the depth of bloody accidents is cross you will have to bear; it is certain now as you let go of your favourites to play with #Safety and they wave their clean chits.

Protecting the #corrupt can perhaps have a convoluted justification, but protecting the #captains of unsafe practices is utterly devoid of any logic as you are left holding the poisoned chalice.