NFR-Misuse of Metal Pass 156 times: Is the transfer only punishment?

Why the #Vigilance department of #NFRailway failed to detect such a serious case of misconduct?

Misuse of on duty metal pass no. NFR-8124 for personal tour with family more than 150 times in last 3.5 years by the Principal, Railway Higher Secondary School, Maligaon, Guwahati, NFRailway.

One Railway officer in Northeast Frontier Railway from his joining in officer grade misuse his issued card pass #NFR8124 for his personal tour. As per reliable source information, he never had taken station leave, leave for his personal tour with his family.

As per #CRIS report he availed 156 times in the last three years and six months misused official metal pass. It was detected by a train superintendent Abhinav Raj, #TTE, #Rangiya Division, #NFR in train no. 12519 on 29 July 2024 at New Bongaigaon. But Northeast Frontier Railway has been taken only action that is transfer regarding loss of #government revenue, station leave, no leave record deduction.

Matter is very serious. This comes under Service Conduct Rule, but the transfer is only action has been taken yet against the Principal, Railway Higher Secondary School, Maligaon, Guwahati, by the Northeast Frontier Railway administration.


Use/Misuse/Fraudulent of use of Duty Passes and Privilege Ticket Orders-

  1. Duty Passes and PTOs are not transferable and should be used only by the person in whose favour they have been issued. Special care should be taken to ensure that Passes and PTOs are not lost while in the custody of the pass holder.
  2. In the case of loss the pass or privilege ticket order may pass into unauthorised hands leading to fraudulent use for which the Pass or PTO holder may have to share responsibility and be also liable for action under the rules.
  3. In case of loss of Pass or PTO a report should be made immediately to the police by the Pass or PTO holder sending a copy of the same to the Pass/Privilege Ticket Order issuing authority.
  4. Deterrent punishment should be awarded to railway servants detected misusing passes and privilege ticket orders; this may take the form of dismissal or removal from service or reduction to a lower post depending upon the seriousness of the offence.
  5. In case of a retired railway servant, misuse of post-retirement complimentary pass renders the retired railway servant liable to be declared ineligible for getting such passes.
  6. A fine of Rs. 10/- for second class and Rs. 25/- for First Class passes may be imposed on the Railway employees for not filling the date of commencement of the journey on the passes both privilege and duty granted them. This amount has to be recovered from the employee by the ticket checking staff and the proper receipt issued. This fact may also be endorsed on the passes.
  7. Passes may also be returned within one month of the expiry of the pass or its utilization whichever is earlier. In regard to those cases where a fine has been imposed by the TTEs for non-filling the date of commencement of journey on the passes, the following action may be taken-
    (a) First case Warning
    (b) Subsequent тАШTo be dealt with on meritsтАЩ. This should be taken serious view of and suitable deterrent action taken against the defaulting staff.

In case of the loss of passes the following penalties may be levied-

(I) Railway Staff: Loss of duty Card Passes available for a period without stipulation of the number of the journey.
(a) Gold/Silver/Bronze passes: Actual cost of replacement to be recovered. See Railway BoardтАЩs Letter No. 98/G/127/4/Mint/Pass dated 16.07.1998.
(b) I-A & I Class Rs. 35/-
(c) II Class Rs. 12.50
(d) Trolley Pass Rs. 12.50

Loss of duty cheque passes with limited validity and specified destination-

(a) I-A & I Class Rs.10/-
(b) II Class Rs. 5/-

Loss of privilege passes.
(a) I-A & I Class Rs. 10/-
(b) II Class Rs. 5/-

Residential card pass/school card pass, provision (Bazar) card pass-

(a) I-A & I Class Rs. 35/-
(b) II Class Rs. 12.50

(II) Non-Railway Staff:

(i) Loss of card passes available for a period without stipulation of the number of journeys.

Complimentary passes issued to non-Railway organisations/ individuals-

(a) I Class Rs. 150/-
(b) II Class Rs. 75/-

(ii) Loss of cheque passes available for a specified destination and limited validity-

(a) I Class Full fare subject to a maximum of Rs.50/- and a minimum of Rs. 10/-
(b) II Class Full fare subject to a maximum of Rs. 30/- and a minimum of Rs. 5/-.

Card Passes issued to GRP/P&T/Railway Magistrates-

(a) I Class Rs. 35/-
(b) II Class Rs. 12.50

Retired Railway Employees. Loss of post-retirement complimentary pass-

(a) I-A &I Class Rs. 25/-
(b) II Class Rs. 10/-


  1. Office bearer of recognised Unions/Federations who are either serving Rly. Employee or ex-Rly. employees will be treated at par with serving Rly. employees and covered under item (I) above
  2. Whenever it is proposed to award a penalty of stoppage of passes and Privilege Ticket Orders under Railway Servants (Disciplinary & Appeal) Rules, as distinguished from action taken under the above rule for irregularities in connection with the use of Passes and PTOs the procedures laid down in D&A Rules should be followed.
  3. Three times the cost to be recovered from serving officers who are on unauthorised absence from duty and have not returned the metal pass despite request vide BoardтАЩs Letter No. E(W)99 PS5-1/10 dated 2.7.1999 (RBE 158/1999).