In which direction Indian Railway is going, nobody knows!
“Railway Ministers’ statements are like hawa-hawai flip flops. In case, he has obtained approval of PM, then the cabinet decision of December 24, 2019 stands reversed. For this to happen there must have been a cabinet note. If done without consulting the cabinet, it signifies bigger danger. Let us hope for the best”, reactions of senior officers on social media.
Sushil Kumar Bansal*
In reference to the article published in #Railwhispers, “Railway Minister Gives Important Clarification On IRMS“ here are some inputs for the perusal of the Minister. From ages, there were 7 apex (Member) posts except for small periods in between when appex level posts were reduced then senior most member used to look after the work of CRB apart from his department.
For ages Mechanical and Stores, and Electrical and S&T were clubbed. MT, ME, FC were independent and MS, CRB were ex.cadre posts. There were always demand for independent Members from Stores, S&T and Personnel department.
This was concerned in the cadre restructuring when Apex level posts were created for all the 8 departments apart from CRB and DG/ Safety. Sanctioned letter is readily available with me.
In this cadre restructuring AMs posts were increased from 15 to 30 nos. A very large number of HAG and SAG posts were also increased.
To facilitate this as many as 1788 SS and 105 JAG, posts were surrendered. In this Stores and HR, posts were disgnated as DG, instead of members.
This was issued in early 2019. Copy of sanctioned strength letter which used to be issued by Railway Board every six months is enclosed herewith.
Immediately after 2-3 months, this IRMS folly was unfolded and we were again back to 5 member board. Despite big surrender of posts we were back on the older system and after that nobody was knowing anything about cadre.
It was surprising that the cadre strength shown in gazette notification was only 5173 where as official sanctioned strength on Indian Railways was and till today 10,814 group ‘A’.
This created apprehension in officer about the fate of balance officers, and no body was aware of how these 5173 officers shall be selected out of 10815 – even today the working officers are about 9000.
Though Minister for Railways and CRB continued to assure that nobody shall be sacked or even harmed prospects wise, but how nobody explained.
Another illegal action was that the cadre of IRMS was not having any element, which is in total violation of government policy, as in that case the IRMS, cannot be called organised service.
Though it was mentioned that qouta of promotion shall be as usual 50% as earlier, but there being no group ‘B’ IRMS cadre, nobody was able to explain how this shall be possible?
There are many other inconsistency, but this will enlarge this much.
*Shri #SKBansal is a Retired IRSME and former president of IRPOF.
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