Safety Peformance of Central Railway

A root-cause analysis of the SPAD cases on Central Railway during 2021-22

To achieve the goal of “NO SPAD” on Central Railway, detailed guidelines have been issued

Anil Kumar Lahoti, General Manager, Central Railway has written a D.O. letter (No. 102.LG.5.Safety/Accident-3 1, dtd. 28.04.2022 to the then DG/Safety Ravindra Gupta in reference to his D.O. letter (No. 2020/Safety (DM) 17125, dated 16.04.202) who written this letter to GM/CR on his last working day.

A root-cause analysis of the seven (7) SPAD cases on Central Railway during 2021-22 has revealed the following contributory factors:-

1. Poor Braking skill of the LP,

2. Presumption of signal aspect by the LP – In some cases it was found that the LP passing signal at Yellow assumes that the next approaching signal is OFF.

3. Use of Mobile on run – In some cases it was found that the LP/ALP were using their mobile phones. This diverted their attention and resulted in SPAD cases.

4. Poor road learning on part ofthe LP/ALP.

Out of all seven SPAD cases the root cause peftains to poor braking skill
(2 cases), presumption of signals (2 cases), and talking on mobile (2 cases). One case is attributed to poor road learning.

To achieve goal of “NO SPAD” on Central Railway, detailed guidelines have been issued vide PCSO and PCEE’s joint circular dated 19.04.22 and the following action plan has been formulated to implement these guidelines:-

l. Counselling & monitoring of crew:

a) Ambush checks of running staff by Loco Inspectors (10 per division per day) to check the following:-

i) Calling out of the signals loudly and clearly by LP and ALP.

ii) While passing the signal at Yellow, the ALP is holding the RS Valve, to operate to stop before the next signal in case it is ON.

iii) Use of mobile while on run.

b) Specific monitoring of crew regarding his train control on Yellow signal.

c) Specific monitoring on train control in gradients so as to stop before red signal.

d) Specific monitoring on braking techniques of LP for different types of load.

e) RHS locations, Intermediate Signal locations, vulnerable signal locations where only one of the crew member can sight the signal and specific location of starter signal for particular line during departure from stations will be specifically checked and observed during footplate.

f) Detailed and intensive inspection of Crew lobbies at Officers level to be completed in one week time.

g) Counselling of all Loco Inspectors at Officers level to be completed in two weeks time,

h) Detailed counselling of all LPs/Shunters/Motormen/AlPs to be completed in one month time.

Foot plate inspections planned during the drive:-

SAG Officers of HO: At least one footplate per week specifically based on above action plan.

Divisional Officers: Minimum 2 footplates per week specifically based on above action plan.

CLIs: 5 footplates per week per CLI.

The drive will continue for next one month or till sufficient crew of all categories is covered. Database will be maintained at divisional & HQ level to bring out specific weak areas on which improvement should be done.

II. Regulation & Monitoring of Crew Road Learning (LRD):

a) During LRD one trip out of mandatory trips to be specifically done with CLI in night. CLI will personally certify the LRD fitness which will be countersigned by TRO officer after verifying the knowledge of crew.

b) Every LP will undergo at least one surprise test & every ALP at least two surprise tests per month during Sign Off in which knowledge of specific section in between two locations i.e. the signal locations, signal numbers, peculiarity of rail road in the section will be tested. Poor performances will be identified and worked upon for improvement with specific action.

Checks at Officers’ level:

SAG Officers of HQ: Check one lobby every week for LRD related sample check.

Divisional Officers: Check movements of at least 8 LP/ALP per week per division specifically regarding above LRD points as above.

III. Assistant loco Pilot knowledge upgradation:

a) Specific working knowledge check of ALPs recruited via any source in last five years. Identify poor performances, list them & make them undergo one week practical training. CLI to certify after satisfactory training and verificaton to be done at officer level. To be completed in one month.

b) 03 days practical crash course to be given to ALPs who have undergone online initial training during COVID pandemic. 414 already completed out of total of 776. Balance to be completed by 15.05.2022.

lV. Identification of specific locations where specific action is required to avoid SPAD:

1. Identification of locauons where cluster of Signals are present & there are chances of misjudgement. Specific counselling regarding alertness at these locations during monitoring.

2. Identification of locations where only one crew member can sight the signal due to section topography or locomotive constraint. Specific counselling regarding alertness at these locations.

3. Identification of locations with non standard/inadequate distance between two stop signals, locations where signals are provided on high gradient locations, RHS locations.

V. Awareness/Motivational campaign:

Conducting Safety Meetings/Seminars, Safety Camp in lobbies and Training Centre by Officers, supervisors and interaction with running staff. 10 such safety camp/meetings/family meeting per Division shall be organised during the one month drive.

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