Agreed List issued recently needs to be reviewed
Agreed list issued recently by Ex PED Vigilance Railway Board Mr R K Jha needs to be reviewed.
As it is heard that huge money has been taken by Mr R K Jha in making Agreed List 2021.
@RailMinIndia के #CVO/#PEDVig #RKJha को सतर्कता सप्ताह के पहले ही दिन रेल भवन से चलता कर दिया गया, वह भी बिना किसी पद या असाइनमेंट के!
— RAILWHISPERS (@Railwhispers) October 27, 2021
MR @AshwiniVaishnaw द्वारा इस विवादित CVO को तुरंत हटाने के निर्णय से रेल व्यवस्था में अब नई ऊर्जा का संचार होगा!
अब नया CVO रेल से बाहर का हो!
The Agreed List has been published 10 days before, which was to publish in the month of March-April 2021.
He was badly involved in getting huge money for doing manipulations in Agreed List 2021, hence he delayed the process deliberately for having more time in doing bargains with contractors, his favoured officers for not putting in agreed list and putting honest officers in agreed list by taking money from contractors.
So, all such list to be reviewed and if found irregularities/ingenuity during investigation, Mr R K Jha and concerned SDGM of a particular Railway to be taken up under D&AR actions along with immediate transferring from SDGM post.
Massive surgical operation is required to be done to expose the racket and nexus in the making agreed list.
Also, all actions taken by Mr R K Jha as PED/Vigilance/Railway Board needs to be reviewed immediately.
@RailMinIndia के #PEDVig अपने निर्वासन की आशंका से मोर्चेबंदी में लगे हैं।
— RAILWHISPERS (@Railwhispers) October 21, 2021
दूसरे कैडर के कई #SDGMs को हटाकर #IRSE के लगवा दिए।
अब @IR_CRB की साठगांठ से अपनी जगह IRSE को ही लगा रहे हैं ताकि आगे भी खेल चलता रहे और कोई इंक्वायरी न हो@CVCIndia & @AshwiniVaishnaw कब तक अनदेखी करेंगे?
#RKJha #PEDVigilance #RailwayBoard #CVCIndia #PMOIndia #AgreedList