“Munims of Railways” have a death grip on Railways

FA&CAOs of Railways should be held responsible and accountable for each and every delays

It is common practice to ridicule Laloo Prasad Yadav, former Minister for Railways but he propelled Railway Board (#RailMinIndia) to profitability with his vision for key railway projects and his 25 ton axle load project, which increased loading overnight in Railways.

Laloo Prasad Yadav understood the main hurdle in Railways, the FINANCE OFFICERS.

He said that Financial Advisor & Chief Accounts Officers (FA&CAOs) of Railways should be held responsible and accountable for each and every delays.

Look at his orders of 2006.
Look para 5 at his orders of 2006.

“Munims of Railways have a death grip on Railways”, this allegation levelled on them by the officers of minimum five departments of railways.

“There is a need to completely redefine role of Finance if Railways have to survive”, they said.