Terror of Unaccounted Vigilance, Part-IV : “Paving Road to Perdition!”
Institutional Reform: Highest ethical conduct expected from senior officers
#Ep73: भारतीय रेल-2024: उपलब्धियाँ और विसंगतियाँ!
Start placing vigilance officers on continuous watch and observation
We published “Terror of Unaccounted Vigilance, Part-I : Paving Road to Perdition!” on 22 December, 2024, “Terror of Unaccounted Vigilance-Part-II: Paving Road to Perdition!” on 30 December, 2024 and on 4 January, 2025, “Terror of Unaccounted Vigilance, Part-III: Paving Road to Perdition!”.
These exposed how #RailwayBoard’s vigilance was gamed by a few individuals. This team themselves indulged in #corrupt and #unethical practices and derailed the Train-18 project by booking the entire design team. They also made cases against a person who later became the chairman. The use of an agreed list to break morale became rampant. Administrative deliberations were coloured with the #Vigilance-angle. It was unfortunate that this #Trimurti not just survived, it continues to thrive under #government support.
What makes these revelations extraordinary?
Never before such a #nexus ever existed-one odd ball perhaps, that is it, never before the PED and two EDs were hand in glove, fully supported by their own hand picked CVOs, inspectors in Board and Zonal Railways. #PED/Vigilance and his EDs involved in corrupt practices, indulging in targeting officers with ulterior motive made apex vigilance organisation of Ministry of Railways totally compromised. By granting long tenures to the Members of Trimurti and keeping some of them in Delhi, they even penetrated #CVC apart from getting their ilk posted in field units.
This was revealed and established through malicious cases made by this team, which turned up nought and were proven to be false. By targeting bold and decisive officers, these unscrupulous and compromised officers, for their personal benefit, attacked the very spine of the organisation.
Thus it is extremely important for the sake of fairness and justice that an #enquiry-commission be set up under a senior retired bureaucrat who can inspire affected officers to confidentially share their experience. The way all the selection panels of #RRB/Gorakhpur are being examined, it is equally important to examine all the #AgreedLists, all the cases which were touched or influenced by these officers, all cases where vigilance acted against the advice of GMs, Members need to be screened out.
It must be ensured that officers who have been given multiple tenures in vigilance be immediately repatriated. These officers were not recruited to serve in the vigilance department only. This has created, nurtured, and strengthened a nexus across multiple layers of the vigilance department and CVC.
The existing rules are biased against the honest as entrenchment in vigilance robs them of all channels of appeal and recourse as the executive bosses like PHODs, General Managers and Members get easily bypassed and CVC opinion ‘managed’ in a way that leaves much to be desired.
There are few telling examples for this:
21 Oct 2022: “To bypass the CBI advice, CVO/RlyBd decided to bypass the CVC itself”
It is hence important that Dy.CVO and CVOs are interviewed by the #CRB as head of the vigilance, their ability to follow decision making process, understand complex arguments made while arriving at decisions, understand notings, knowledge of rules and circulars, ability to interpret policy need more thorough assessment.
The officers posted in vigilance must have their detailed service profile listed publicly including details which give sense of their decision making ability. This will readily make ‘career’ vigilance officers stand out as officers with nil field or decision making experience or delivery on the goals of the government.
IR’s Vyapam & Arrest of Officers
We broke the story of how RRB/Gorakhpur carried out its own version of #Vyapam scam: “Issue of RRB/GKP – IR’s Own Vyapam Scam” and “Raining Scams-Chicken Coming to Roost or Connivance Continues”.
Following our break, the chairman/RRB/Gorakhpur was suspended while the principal perpetrators are under investigation it is learnt.
But how can the #system become so brazen? Answer can be found in three incidents which we examine now-
Remember case of #ArchanaJoshi? She was DRM/Kota and was caught on camera shouting at an officer to collect money to organise party for the #GM. It was known that she was tricked by a medical officer who himself was a known defaulter. However, the conduct of Ms Archana Joshi was not ethical. She should have been put under investigation and acted against. How could #DRM be ‘tricked’ to collect money for GM’s party or his daughter’s marriage? But she was cleverly posted in cadre and became #PCOM in #NERailway by local order, where she got her all due promotions and finally ended up retiring as GM.
What did it signal?
The tribal loyalty of the cadre kicked in. The officer was then known as giant killer when even an act of #Corruption on camera was overlooked. The inability to act in this case blunted the exhortation of zero tolerance for corruption.
FA&CAO of Rail Wheel Factory (#RWF), Bela, #PushpaRani was caught involved in several acts of corruption. What happened?
She was transferred out but even without joining #EasternRailway she was given 4-5 months salary by Eastern Railway! This happened at the behest of the Member Finance who was given unprecedented extension and job equivalent to that of #Judge of a High Court after retiring.
Acts of corruption include forgery and using a vehicle against which theft report is registered.
What gives them power to be brazen? The support by high and mighty like then member finance.
#Message? “Rules are for fools”. This officer continues to enjoy her life and then member finance also continues enjoying his life with high level post rtirement perks.
What happens when an officer is blamed for irregularities, unethical and possible corrupt activities? Officers get rotated or transferred. This is also done with intention to reform them.
Case of two electrical JAG officers was raised by #Railwhispers. This officer of Lucknow Division of NER was rotated from operations to general branch, but he has not been released despite serious complaints.
#Message: “Rules are for fools”. If you have protection, one can engage in corruption with impunity.
In yet another case of #NCR, after matter was raised by #Railwhispers, the officer was released by relinquishing charge. However, the officer after release was given Kumbh Mela duty. When the matter was discussed with #PCEE/NCR, he went livid and misbehaved using with unparliamentary language.
As we wrote in “MR’s Point of View on Our Article” on 29 December, 2024 despite our articles being very critical of Minister, he was most gracious to talk to and in fact mentioned that he acted on our tweet where we gave feedback on theft in parcel vans. He took our critical articles as constructive feedback and invited us for detailed in person discussion.
However, PCEE of NCR not just used threatening tone, but was abusive. Our crime was that we asked how can a person who was released after his complaints were highlighted, was give mela duty after being relieved. This officer has been in #CentralRailway for long 23 years as he accepted himself and just after a short tenure of 2 years is getting transferred back. Such conduct and such protection-how can one not believe that mischievious and corrupt are shielded by their superiors?
Following is the transcript of the conversation which I constructed with my memory:
बदतमीज तो बहुत देखे, पर अनूप अग्रवाल जैसा बदतमीज नहीं देखा!
आज ईमेल पर एक इनपुट मिला कि रजत कुमार सिंह, सीनियर डीईई/टीएमएस/कानपुर को 18 दिसंबर को ईसीआर के लिए रिलीज किया गया, मगर 20 दिसंबर को उन्हें कुंभ मेला ड्यूटी पर लगा दिया गया। यह विसंगति कि जो अधिकारी एनसीआर के मस्टर पर नहीं रहा, उसकी ड्यूटी मेले में कैसे लगाई गई?
इसके पहले, रजत सिंह का ट्रांसफर 13 सितंबर को ईसीआर के लिए हो चुका था, उन्हें रिलीज न करके उन्हें यहीं रोके रखने की तिकड़म लगाई जा रही है, इस संदर्भ में ईमेल पर 5 दिसंबर को मिले इनपुट के आधार पर एक ट्वीट 5 दिसंबर को किया गया था-
इस ट्वीट के परिप्रेक्ष्य में 18 दिसंबर को रजत सिंह को चार्ज सीनियर डीईई/टीआरएस/कानपुर को रिलिंक्विस करवाकर रिलीज कर दिया गया!
आज जो ईमेल इनपुट मिला, उसमें भी यह बताया गया कि 18 दिसंबर को रिलीज होने के बावजूद 20 दिसंबर को पुनः रजत सिंह की ड्यूटी कुंभ मेले में लगाई गई है। इसी विसंगति को क्लेरिफाई करने के लिए पीसीईई/एनसीआर अनूप अग्रवाल को फोन किया, तो पहले उन्होंने थोड़ी सी तल्खी के साथ कहा कि यह कोई विसंगति नहीं है, कोई ट्रांसफर हो जाता है, बीमार पड़ता है, सीएल ले लेता है, तो उसकी जगह कोई और ड्यूटी करता है।
मैंने कहा कि यह तो ठीक है, यह मैं भी समझता हूँ सर, पर हेड क्वार्टर और डिवीजन के डायरेक्शन में ही उन्हें रिलीज किया गया, तो दो दिन बाद 20 दिसंबर को फिर से कैसे उन्हें मेला ड्यूटी पर लगा दिया गया, वह भी तब, जब संबंधित अधिकारी आपके मस्टर रोल नहीं रहा?
मेरे इस प्रश्न पर अग्रवाल जी लगभग तिलमिला गए और कहा कि आप बात को बेमतलब बढ़ा रहे हैं!
मैंने कहा, सर, ये बेमतलब बात नहीं है, ये एक बड़ी लापरवाही है या फिर रजत सिंह को फेवर किया जा रहा है? उन्हें मेरे ट्वीट के बाद 18 दिसंबर को रिलीज किया गया, फिर जो अधिकारी आपके मस्टर रोल पर नहीं रहा, उसे कैसे मेला ड्यूटी पर लगाया गया, बस इतना जानना चाहता हूँ?
इस पर अग्रवाल जी पूरी तरह से भड़क उठे और पूरी बदतमीजी पर उतर आए, कहा कि तेरे लिखने से कुछ नहीं होता, तू ब्लैकमेलर है, तू ऑनरेबल रेलमंत्री के खिलाफ लिखता है, मंत्री जी को ब्लैकमेल करना चाहता है। मैं 23-24 साल सेंट्रल रेलवे, मुंबई में रहा हूँ, सब जानता हूँ मैं!
इस पर मैंने कहा, सर जी, आप सब जानते हैं, इसीलिए तो फिर से सेंट्रल रेलवे में जाने का अपना ऑर्डर करा लिया है। अब ये भी बता दें कि आपको कितनी बार ब्लैकमेल किया? आपके किसी मातहत को ही सामने ले आएँ, जिसको ब्लैकमेल किया हो? आप सीधी बात का जवाब देने के बजाय मेरे ऊपर मिथ्या आरोप लगा रहे हैं? आप क्या इसलिए भड़क रहे हैं कि मैंने आपके कानपुर स्टेशन के फर्जी निरीक्षण दौरे के बारे में लिखा, जब वहाँ देर शाम को इलेक्ट्रिक फायर हुआ, ट्रेन प्लेटफार्म पर खड़ी थी, और उसी दिन सुबह आपने वहाँ का कथित निरीक्षण किया था?
इस पर अग्रवाल जी और ज्यादा भड़क उठे, पद की गरिमा और व्यवहार की मर्यादा सब छोड़कर तू-तड़ाक करने लगे, पूरी तरह चिल्लाते हुए कहा कि ऑनरेबल मंत्री जी के खिलाफ लिखना बंद कर दे, वरना तेरी खैर नहीं होगी!
मैंने कहा, ठीक है सर, मंत्री जी अपना देख लेंगे, आप उनकी चिंता मत करो, आप तो मेरे प्रश्न का जवाब दे दो! आप क्यों रजत सिंह को फेवर कर रहे हैं? क्या इसलिए कि वह कानपुर के एक कॉलेज से रेगुलर एलएलबी कर रहे हैं, वह भी बिना लीव लिए? जबकि यह आप जानते हैं कि यह कोर्स करेस्पांडेस से या प्राइवेट फॉर्म भरकर नहीं होता?
इस पर वह पुनः ऊपर कही गई बातें दोहराते हुए चिल्लाए और कॉल कट कर दिया।
This was soon followed by another email which we reproduce below (verbatim):
The conundrum of NCR electrical engineering department
So, after a major push by #Railwhispers with respect to the non-implementation of the board order of the transfer of #RajatKumarSingh, #IRSEE 2011 to #ECR the crooked #PCEE/NCR played a smart game by issuing the transfer orders from the headquarters while handing over the charge to the #SrDEE/Locoshed Kanpur but he couldn’t hide his nefarious collusion with Rajat Kumar Singh who happens to be a passout from the same college as the PCEE is from.
Even after issuing the relieving orders of Rajat Kumar Singh from NCR to ECR, PCEE/NCR issued a letter deputing him on several dates in the Kumbh Mela. Is the electrical engineering department so incompetent in headquarters of NCR that they don’t even know who has been transferred and who is not??? After being chased by #Railwhispers in a previous article, the relieving orders of Rajat Kumar Singh were issued on 18.12.2024 but on the letter issued on 20.12.2024 his duties have been clearly outlined in the Kumbh Mela.
It shows that him being relieved from NCR is just an eyewash and a gimmick to hide the collusion between Rajat Kumar Singh and PCEE/NCR which is raising on account of alumni connections.
It seems there is some nefarious understanding between the headquarters and the division that by smartly putting the ball in each other’s court, somehow the transfer of Rajat Kumar Singh – 9 September – is being deferred and finally a time buying strategy is ensured so that he manages to get the board order cancelled by using his alumni contacts with PCEE and CELE/NCR.
Strangely, Rajat Kumar Singh is pursuing a regular #LLB from a college in Kanpur, a course which cannot be done from distant education or by correspondence. It is a regular classwork course and if the incumbent is pursuing it, then how is it possible that he is doing his job also at the same time? He is trying to retain himself on the same ground now, that he wishes to complete his LLB which will take another 2 years to complete.
Blatant favouritism on account of #corruption or alumni is now the norm in #electrical engineering department in NCR because the #PHOD himself is least bothered about what is happening in the zone because he has already been transferred to Central Railways and he is just counting his days.
How can morale of organisation kept high when seniors are so abusive and egoist? Our crime was that we had not only highlighted protection to the delinquent officer, but also highlighted electrical fire at main Kanpur Central railway station few hours after PCEE’s inspection.
It is time that senior officers are trained in Sewabhaav and not Laat Sahabiat. Stay tuned..