Issue of RRB/GKP – IR’s Own #Vyapam Scam

Many months ago, in subterranean labyrinths of Indian Railways, an anomaly was reported. Containment strategy was rolled out right away and limited action started happening in the third week of October.

It took quite some time for the news to reach us, it was explosive, we waited for multiple confirmations. But then, small part of the news got confirmed. We broke it on X-

In view of our revelations on #CRIS, Whistle Blower Raises Serious Question on another of Vaishnaw’s Favourite: Emergence of New Sudheer Kumar and then on #RRB it was natural that questions be asked from the #CRB and we asked him-

Cornered, with parliament in session, #CRB cracked his whip as in-charge of Human Resources of IR.

IR’s own #Vyapam

#SaurabhKumar son of Ram Sanjivan, who was PS to #Chairman/#RRB/GKP and #RahulPratap son of Chandrashekhar Arya-exChief OS to Chairman/RRB/GKP started with their training at #MCF/RBL like any other trainee.

Due to loose talk of these boys, it was revealed that they had not even applied in the exam against which they got a #government-job. What adds the gravity of charges, dossiers were complete with medical and verifications.

However, as the news leaked, action started to contain the damage and following letter was issued, directing MCF/RBL to discharge them from employment.

Before the letter reached and MCF could act, these boys absconded and continue to be absconding. Nevertheless, they have been discharged.

Point is who #tipped them?

Questions that get asked

RRB Gorakhpur has been bastion of corruption. Recruitment of commercial staff in past to that of loco pilots in 2018 had been under cloud of strong suspicion. One wonders how could this RRB be allowed to function despite such past? In fact it is said that after 2018 all staff were to be changed, how could the two offending staff be left untouched in most sensitive positions? Who supported them, needs to be part of wider investigation.

It is also matter of common knowledge that Narayan Halder, Office Superintendent, the right hand man of Nuruddin Ansari – the suspended Chairman – was brought from #RRC despite being directly accused of major irregularities leading to scrapping of recruitment process. Who protected him? Who permitted him to be transferred to another sensitive location?

Modi government has struggled with examinations for #employment and has paid political price also for this. But #RRBs of #IndianRailways continue to wreak havoc on lives of millions by compromised selection process.

Tracing Root of the Problem

Ansari is a 1992 batch class-I #IRPS officer. He was known to host dubious visitors even when he was in NCR. He represents problems that afflict IRPS.

To understand the problems one needs to look at — IRPS Officers. This is very small cadre of less than 350 officers. This has meant that even very junior IRPS officers are getting HAG and posted as CHOD and PHODs. In fact in some of the zones, PCPOs are more than ten year junior to other PHODs, making total mockery of the system.

Insistence of IRPS to have their officers as #CHOD/#PHOD has upset the administrative fluidity in zones when it comes to handling personnel matters.

List of PCPOs from IRPS in order of their seniority. Juniormost #PCPO are from 2003/04 batch. When PHOD of other departments are from 1987-88, this is almost a generation gap between PHODs. How can the system remain in balance? Why there is insistence for posting such junior officers as PCPOs? #CRB needs to take an urgent review. This imbalance deals body blow to the morale of senior officers.

Another problem gets traced to the system of #IRMS empanelment which has produced nothing but embarrassment to the government.

This system has started producing #Level-17 bosses who are just not connected with the cadres under them. This acts as a boon to officers like #Ansari, #Dubey, #AshokKumar and #Satyakumar. Their reputation just cannot be validated by their bosses as they keep changing frequently.

Failure once again of Railway Vigilance

The failure of #CRBs in taming their #Vigilance is writ large in cases like this. It was well established that #vigilance-trimurti for their interest made false cases with malicious intent. By allowing them to be posted for extraordinary long tenures, these elements have been able to infect #CVC, #BoardVigilance and Zonal & PU Vigilance. They created protection networks in every department. Confident that complaints will get quashed at #ED level in #RailwayBoard or at #DyCVO and #CVO level in #ZonalRailways, one could act with impunity. And surely they did as government struggle to contain aftermath of spate of arrest of officers, especially from #Stores department.

We had repeatedly said that a #whitepaper needs to be produced on cases made by the infamous #Trimurti which hunted #VandeBharat team, and believed to have extorted heavily from the vendors too, this is the talk of town. However, successive #CRBs remained silent spectators. It was really sad state of affairs that #AKLahoti who was denied vigilance clearance at the stage of becoming GM by this trimurti, used his personal connections to get his case processed, but failed to clean up the system when he became the Chairman/Railway Board. This emboldened these malicious actors.

One wonders why spate of #CBI cases have not shaken up the #CRB? Why is #CRB not vetting all CVOs and DyCVOs? Why the trimurti still is getting protection and government employment? Wanton manner in which officers have been put on Agreed List is a big #scam in itself in Indian Railways. Is it not the duty of #CRB to do justice to affected officers? In fact, an #apology is due from #CRB to officers who have fallen prey to these malicious actors. While strong willed officers wilted while being on #AgreedLists and battled their vigilance cases, the malicious actors have had open field for their play.

When we questioned #CRB on #IR’s own Vyapam and #CRIS, source information from Railway Board reveal that #CRB has expressed his annoyance and asked for suspension of Chairman RRB/GKP. #CRB has been largely rated as a clean man, even though on issue of being able to take stand against political bosses, the house is divided. It is time that #CRB stands for his honest officers.

How the officers having dubious character like Ansari, Dubey, Pandey, Vineet Singh, Saurabh Prasad etc have been able to gather outstanding #APARs and be entrusted with most sensitive of government’s task? Who all rated their APARs? How can people like #Haldars be given such sensitive assignments? Why they were not on agreed list?

In fact question is how and why vigilance trimurti never got on agreed list or on 56J despite being known and proven malicious actors. #Racket of #IRSS was also revealed by us on several occasions, including foreign holidays of AM/RS – but nothing happened. Incidentally this also was staged from Gorakhpur.

Two serving #PCMM were arrested-and one from Gorakhpur! Several #CMMs runs extortion racket thanks to the protection granted by the blue eyed boy of certain #CRB of past with same surname and their own preceptor who sat as ED/Vig/Stores. This master mined has now been given prize posting under Minister’s former ministry. It is not out of place to mention that three officers got adjusted for complicity and silence in telecom ecosystem-a former chairman, ED/Vig/Stores and a CVO from IRSS.

It is matter of fact that nothing happened to many such officers who were caught with their hand in the till. The two fathers in RRB/Gorakhpur who quietly inserted their sons in the recruitment panel are yet to be acted against. Question is who can act against them? IRPS officers or Vigilance officers?

CRB Sahab

#CRB sahab, please use your extension time to set IR’s house in order. You have large enough battery of officers to handle the #KumbhMela and can leave the #Mela matters to them. Unless you break the nexus of vigilance nothing can improve-more Haldars, Ansaris, Ashoks, Vineets, Saurabhs, Satyakumars will keep popping up and get noticed only when shit hits the fan.

Repatriate these charlatans back and make them work like lesser mortals who have been exploited by them. They cannot be treated as holy cows as system limps from arrest of sitting #PHODs, sitting #DRMs and now Indian Railway’s own #Vyapam.