Those Traffic and Commercial officers who think that station modernization will help commercial portion of traffic are day dreaming, they have no say in the system.

Please read and think about factual position

Indian Railway Station Development Corporation (IRSDC) a PSU, is owned by RLDA and IRCON (An PSU under the Engineering Department). Here, one PSU forms another PSU, and officers of traffic/commercial department are nowhere.

How many of traffic/commercial officers have controlled unnecessary expenditure done by all Engineering departments in previous years in the name of Passenger Amenities Works (PH-53) or Traffic Facility Works (PH-16)?

Cleaning expenditure of stations have gone whopping by now Rs. 2000 crores per annum as already accepted by hon’ble Railway Minister in ‘Parivartan Sangosthi’. Who are responsible for this reckless expenditure and has given bad shape of Railways’ operating ratio?

There are so many stations where earning is less than cleaning contracts. Is this not a joke for them?

Have traffic/commercial officers ever questioned at any discussion forum- “How these clay coloured so called Utkrisht coaches are better than blue coloured shining coaches?”

Traffic and Commercial have approx 14 DRMs, have they intrigued how traffic department can be make empowered?