The PM has been kept in dark about the devastating consequences of cadre merger in Railways

The Govt to let them revisit DAF, wherein CSE Candidates indicate the choice of services they would like to join in order of preference

This merger will certainly end all autonomy of Railways and destroy the organization permanently

This is nothing but a conspiracy to irreversibly damage this great organization and then sell it to the cronies in coming years -said a senior officer

It’s suggested that the hon’ble PM has been kept in dark about the devastating consequences of this cadre merger or partisan, It will be a planned & motivated merger. Is it not surprising that only Electrical engineers are becoming GMs, EDs etc?

Even the en-cadered post of Member Staff, Railway Board has been handed over to an Electrical engineer! In all probability, this so called proposed reform is to facilitate large scale electrification of Rlys through mega projects to be executed by the companies formed by a powerful politician who was earlier in the power ministry.

The electrical department of Railways has mismanaged it’s cadre in the last decade or so after recruiting huge army of officers year after year and now the relatively much better managed smaller cadres of Traffic, Accounts and Personnel deptts are going to be the immediate and biggest sufferers.

But in the long run even the Civil engineering department will come to grief as their posts of Principal Chief Engineer (PCE) and Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) gradually go to these Electrical officers.

The toppers of ESE also try for civil services and opt IRTS when they get. Whereas not a single IRTS has ever gone to IES. This shows which has been a better career choice so far.

By this foolish(?) step of merger the Civil service aspirants will stop coming to Railways. The next government or minister can easily place IAS above the IRMS minions making the enslavement of Railway officers completely.

This merger will certainly end all autonomy of Railways and destroy the organization permanently.

This is nothing but a conspiracy to irreversibly damage this great organization and then sell it to the cronies in coming years.

“Cadre review committee should have first examined the issue and only after its recommendation to this effect, Cabinet approval should have been taken. There are apparent procedural flaws.”

Now, probationers of a civil service batch in Railways have decided to request re-allotment of service from the DOPT (Department of Personnel and Training) and the UPSC (Union Public Service Commission), unwilling to work in the soon-to-be formalised Indian Railway Management Service (IRMS).

A probationer from the 2017 batch said, which is yet to be formally deployed, said that the batch of more than 40 young officers wants the government to let them revisit their Detail Application Forms (DAF), wherein Civil Services Examination Candidates indicate the choice of services they would like to join in order of preference.

тАЬThe IRMS, the way it is conceived, is not what we signed up for. We want to join some other civil service as per our preferences indicated,тАЭ said a young officer.

A pan-railway Civil Services OfficersтАЩ Association is being revived to represent all three services – Traffic, Accounts and Personnel. This association, which was attempted to be formed around four years ago, is aimed to get these services тАЬa seat on the tableтАЭ as a permanent negotiation mechanism with the Railways establishment, an officer said.

Information is being collected from across batches to make the point that a large number of civil servants left Railway Engineering services even after serving for a few years after they cracked the Civil Services Examination and joined back as civil servants either in Traffic, Accounts or Personnel.

This is to underscore the argument that the status of a civil servant is coveted and well accepted even among engineers. тАЬI lost three years of seniority as an engineer in another government organisation to join here as a civil servant,тАЭ said an officer. тАЬNo one took my consent before changing my serviceтАЭ, he said.

Across 68 divisions, many civil servants boycotted the official New YearтАЩs Eve celebrations as a mark of protest.

We shall continue with Twitter, postcards representation, but now it’s important that we form small groups/cadre representative/cadre controlling authorities that meet cabinet secretary, and other members of CoS/GoM when formed, said an senior officer.

Instead of merging two warring factions, that is Electrical & Mechanical, whole cadre has been merged. It looks as if the whole class has been punished for the instead of two delinquent students.

Please listen this address of CRB to Railway Board officers. He is citing the departmental feuds between Engineering branches. He is appreciating the reduced transportation volume of coal by Railways

If all services have equal value, why so many officers resign from other services to join IRTS/IRAS/IRPS? Why not a single IRTS joined IRES so far???

Officers who left IFS, IPS, IRS to join IRTS, IRAS IRPS

  1. Sunil Mathur IRTS 81 left IPS

2.Ravi Valluri IRTS 1987 left IPS

  1. Salil Jha IRTS 1988 left IPS

  2. Manoj Srivastava IRTS 1988 left IPS

  3. GM Singh, 135 rank in ESE 1992 but joined IRTS in 1992

  4. Ajay Kaushik 2009 batch, 107 Rank in CSE 2010, left IPS, IRS(IT) & IRS(C&CE)

  5. Alok Tripathi IRTS 1998, RANK 101, topper of IFoS but joined IRTS. Also selected for IRS (Custom&Excise), but joined IRTS

  6. Aadhar Raj IRTS 2003 AIR-151 Left IRS to join IRTS

  7. Gaurav Bansal IRTS 2000 left IFS to join IRTS

  8. Chandrima Roy IRTD ’91 left IPS, IRS

  9. Sanjay Bajpai IRTS ’91 left IRS IT & IRS C&CE

  10. Tripti Gurha IRTS ’92 left customs & IRS

  11. Vikas chaube IRTS 95 left customs & IRS

  12. Sanjay Mahapatra’92 left IRS

  13. Jagriti Dugar IRTS 2005 left IRS C&CE

  14. Hrishikesh Modak IRTS 2005 left IRS(IT)

  15. Maitreyee Charan IRTS 2005 was topper of Rajasthan administrative service but preferred IRTS

  16. O P Kala left IPS to join IRTS after posting as ASP. I left Engineering services 1989 to join IRTS 93.

  17. S. Ananthraman 1982 batch was getting IAS bt opted IRTS as first choice. Rank need to be checked.

  18. Ravish 2008 left IRS IT, and

  19. Jerin 2008 left IRC Customs for IRTS

  20. Former bosses Sanjeev Garg, Sunil Mathur and Anurag also left left IPS.

Published as received