Without consultation on the subject the proposal for merger, how it was stated to have broad consensus

The IRAS Association decided to make common cause with other Civil Services of Indian Railways and to jointly strive for identity separate from the Engineering Services

The meeting of the IRAS Association held on Monday, 30th December expressed concern that even without consultation on the subject the proposal for merger, how it was stated to have broad consensus.

The Association also expressed concern that the way the merger appears to have been conceptualized would render independent financial advice impossible, thus not being in wider interest of the Railways.

The IRAS Association decided to make common cause with other Civil Services of Indian Railways and to jointly strive for identity separate from the Engineering Services.

  1. Can anyone ask CRB to kindly give some examples of departmentalism?

  2. The so called departmentalism is nothing but acts of empire building by Engineers.


A. Recent fight between Electrical and Mechanical department for control over rolling stock.In case of Train-18.

B. Creation of ENHM by a Mechanical CRB to accommodate their mechanical guys. And shamelessly spending 2000 crores in one year just for cleaning.

C. Linen washing is taken back from commercial and given to Mechanical without any logic.

D. Making safety department ex-cadre.

E. Ongoing efforts of current CRB to snatch away the chances of little early promotion of civil servants.

  1. Can anyone give any examples of act of empire building done by IRAS, IRPS or IRTS?

  2. Departmentalism is there and will always remain within Engineering branches as they own assets and maintain them; so they tend to enhance their empire. But civil servants don’t. They are victims of empire building by Engineers.