The CEC Meeting of AISMA held at Tirupati in Guntakal division of South Central Railway

The house demands that the rusty rail clause in the Station Working Rules shall be eliminated as it has no backing in GR/SR

The rule provisions of IRSEM under Para 7 requiring Zig Zag steel wiring in rust prone rail shall be adopted in toto

The CEC Meeting of All India Station Masters’ Association (AISMA) held on 15th-16th December 2019 at Tirupati (TPTY) in the Guntakal division of South Central Railway.

The important decisions and resolutions are given below-

All Zones and Divisions to complete the membership 2019 and send the list and quota amount to CSF before 25th December 2019.

The house decided to extend moral support to the General Strike by all Trade Unions on 08-01-2020.

The proposed programme of 26th January 2020 is advanced to 15th January 2020 as Demands’ day. ZECs should print and distribute Demand badges.

All Divisions and Zones to give wide coverage in all media about our demands and for Our Masters’ Rally at New Delhi on 25th February 2020.

Next Central Council meeting will be held at New Delhi on 25th and 26th February 2020 immediately after our Rally on 25.02.2020.

The house demands that NDA and NHA in full and OTA upto the limit permitted for Running Allowance, shall be exempted from income tax.

The house demands that the rusty rail clause in the Station Working Rules shall be eliminated as it has no backing in GR/SR.

The rule provisions of IRSEM under Para 7 requiring Zig Zag steel wiring in rust prone rail shall be adopted in toto.

All the Zones should publish their calendars and the best calender will be awarded by the CEC.

The house resolves that for 2020 the membership drive will start on 1st January and end on 30th April. The complete Membership list and quota amount should be submitted to CSF in the first week of May itself without fail.

The decision of the last CECM regarding conduct of MACP case of S. Rajkumar of Southern Railway is modified to the effect R. Durai Swamy will monitor the progress of the case.

The CEC has entrusted Smt Kamini Singh DSG to enroll all lady SMs in Indian Railway to AISMA’s Ladies Circle.

SG/AISMA said, We are planning to conduct a SPECIAL MEETING with the Minister for Railways. Venue and date will be announced later.

COBs along with ZOBs tour program in some Zones and Divisions to be completed before next CC meeting.