तुम्हारी शख़्सियत पर शक होता है साहब! ईमानदार हो तुम, तो बेईमानी का सर ऊंचा क्यों है!!
The Hero of film “Sehar” comes down to level Zero in RPF!
The man who always tried to prove himself as most honest person but unfortunately under his nouse all illicit acts are carried on by his Officers.
Here, #DGRPF is playing the role of Ostrich.
Likewise, in the iron scam of Lumding Division, NFRly where involvement of the then PCSC/NFR, and SrDSC/LMG are quite clear even then the case is endorsed to one junior most Inspector.
Does one newly appointed Inspector can dare to collect evidences against a SrDSC or PCSC under whose command he is working?
This is a kind of mockery in the name of Law or eyewash for the public.
In the instant case a big iron broker is involved and he and his men are often trying to influence the entire Enquiry process.
For which except arrest of one Inspector, Sub Inspector from RPF and some drivers and labourers all other co-accused got anticipatory bail from Gauhati High Court. Isn’t it coming to the knowledge of DGRPF?
When Enquiry Officer is unable to grille the common accused, so how one can expect of grilling the biggies of the department?
Here, SrDSC/LMG’s continuation in Office and his influence in the Enquiry process making everyone surprised.
So, we thinked the hero of film “Sehar” comes down to level zero in RPF!
जो कल तक एक-एक ट्रांसफर/पोस्टिंग के लिए उगाह रहे थे इंस्पेक्टरों से पांच-पांच दस-दस लाख, वो #एडीजी हो गए देखते-देखते!#प्रमोशन के साथ ओल्ड पोस्ट की मलाई (चार्ज) भी उनके पास ही बनी रहेगी कदाचारी सत्ताधीशों तक पहुंच और रसूख की बदौलत देखते-देखते!! pic.twitter.com/LLFqL8fzVv
— kanafoosi.com (@kanafoosi) June 25, 2020
#Received and published as so many RPF personnel thinking and writing in social media.