Stop all the works which is not possible to do without physical distancing

Central Railway, Pune division’s engineering staff written a message to concerned authorities and said that they want to say few lines for his kind consideration-

They writes, In Pune Division, Engineering department’s (Pway) maintenance work (Manual as well as Machines) has been carried out without maintaining the physical distance.

All trackmen are doing the above said work under the pressure of higher authorities.

It is highly impossible to do the work like packing, lifting of track by Jack or any other means by maintaining the physical distance i.e. one meter with each other.

Violation of this may be very dangerous for track maintainers and theirs site supervisor.

All ready about 200 cases have been happened in Kota division, West Central Railway and some other place.

So it is kind request from the Railway administration to stop all the works which is not possible to do without physical distancing.