Castism, corruption, and insubordination at a height in Sub-divisional Rialway Hospital, Kanpur

PCMD, DyCMD/NCR, CMS/ALD & CMS/CNB all are supporting and promoting castism and corruption! Doctors and staff helpless

A departmental letter was written on 5th April 2019 by a Doctor for inquiry and strict action against corrupt, unethical Pathology practices and intentional lack of devotion of duty, insubordination and misbehave by Amar Singh Gautam, Chief Lab Supervisor at Sub-divisional hospital (SDH) at Kanpur which affect the daily lab working and which can affect the upcoming PME (Periodical Medical Examination) for new candidates, if not corrected, but railway administration have not been taken any action till date, instead they supported him.

The doctor concerned was joined the IRMS with a commitment of selfless service to railway and nation. He have been posted in SDH/Kanpur since 11.05.2018 as a direct DMO specialist (Pathology). He is MBBS, DNB Pathology with more than five year experience in pathology including 3 years working in AIIMS, Delhi. In-stead protecting the doctor, he has been prematurely transferred to Jhansi within two years.

He was posted by higher authorities to improve the lab working at Kanpur and need for a qualified pathologist is stressed upon various official documents here so along with looking after various other duties, he tried his best to improve the pathology lab quality and authenticity for treatment of railway beneficiaries and for upcoming PME of new candidates.

But he have been continuously facing a lot of obstacles, hindrance and negativity to improve the Path lab working. He had submitted his grievances to GM/NCR dated 10.10.18 regarding irregularities by Amar Singh Gautam, CLS/CNB, but not availed yet.

He have tried and exhausted all means of getting help at Kanpur level and due to delay/lack of administrative help at Kanpur level, he feel very insecure as a ‘Professional – Pathology specialist’ and as a ‘Group A officer’ because poor lab reporting can affect his reputation as a medical practitioner in medical council of India (MCI).

As per Supreme Court order and MCI guidelines, lab technicians are not legally competent to report various lab tests alone. If there are consumer/court trials/any FIR against any shortcoming related to lab reports or any clinical procedure or operation being undertaken on basis of these lab reports, undersign becomes deemed responsible for all misdeeds of CLS albeit being busy in OPD, emergency or other duties.

A candidate PME is expected soon in SDH Kanpur and Pathology reporting is not as per standard. Various corrective and preventive measures required to improve the path lab for conducting new candidate PME are pending.

To demoralize and to promote a corrupt, unprofessional Group ‘C’ staff for some vested interests, some responsible doctors of this hospital are marking papers directly to CLS purposefully ignoring the authority of qualified pathologist. Such doctors back-up CLS and encourages for in-discipline activities resulting into spoliation of disciplinary decorum. They keep on saying that lab was running without DMO/DNB, so he is not much required here.

A confidential displeasure note was issued to the DMO for delay in AMC/CMC of lab machines which were pending since time of previous in-charge lab. It was also asked from the DMO, ‘why DAR action should not be initiated against him’ when he was not able to look after lab store within a single day. The tension due to insubordination and misbehave by CLS Amar Singh Gautam is considered as ‘day to day quarrel’ and DMO was occasionally get transfer threats.

On above situations, DMO was requested for detailed inquiry and DAR action against under written corrupt and unethical practices by CLS/SDH/Kanpur Amar Singh Gautam-

1. CLS/SDH/CNB Amar Singh Gautam was found doing unwarranted tempering of pathology reports which can cause loss of precious life of a patient. He can easily change/delete/ add the lab reports. His pathology reporting software is very prone to corruption but he is intentionally showing lack of devotion and in-subordination to follow instructions given by CMS/CNB to prevent it in future.

2. He takes interest in e-tendering of pathology items and accepts illegal gratification by the private railway suppliers in different ways.

3. CLS/Kanpur fraudently marked his presence as LAP on attendance register by overlapping the records of his unauthorized absents in June 2017.

4. CLS/Kanpur has a file of ultrasound machine condemnation (a controversial vigilance matter) in his personal custody.

5. CLS/Kanpur brings union office bearer to meddle in the lab matter and disturb the lab working and keeps on falsely complaining that he is overburdened and tortured by DMO. But in reality, he is not ready to work as per his designation. He had given a false complaint against DMO on 08.10.18.

6. He is unnecessarily dealing with the blood alcohol samples, records and reports (a medico legal process) in-spite of it being an emergency and outsourced test.

7. He just wants to roam around in the name of supervising the work or watch YouTube in morning OPD time on sarkari computers meant for lab reporting. He is only interested in sensitive financial matter of stores and procurements.

8. Due to his lack of devotion to duty, he had wrongly reported a case of HIV positive in a lady earlier and a case of wrong blood grouping in a pregnant lady in 2018.

9. He maintains his close contact with the Unions and often threatens DMO to implicate into some atrocity consequences.

10. His long stay at Kanpur had been full of his susceptible activities and multiple public complaints against him for which he was transferred to divisional hospital, Agra.

11. He often threatens Doctors for transfer from Kanpur and confirms he is reposted from Agra to Kanpur (same station) almost within a year because of his high resources at higher level. So it is very hard and essential that the only proper independent inquiry and deterrent action will be able to eradicate the corrupt, unethical and unprofessional practices of CLS/SDH/Kanpur Amar Singh Gautam.

If it is not possible than DMO or any other doctor can not be held responsible for any shortcoming in Pathology lab at Kanpur because purpose of posting a competent pathologist to overcome unethical and corrupt practices for the medical interests seems inconsequential at Sub-divisional Hospital, Kanpur.

Corruption, Manipulation, Misbehave, Insubordination and Caste based activities etc of CLS/SDH/Kanpur, all relevant documents are in possession of kanafoosi. RlyAdmin must act and first stop the premature transfer of DMO/Pathology and immediate transfer of CLS/SDH out of the division and start immediate independent inquiry and take appropriate DAR action against him.

CLS Amar Singh Gautam in his office at SDH/Kanpur

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