Injustice done with the 16 officers of Mech deptt – who have been deprived of their legitimate promotion

Injustice done with the Sixteen (16) officers of Mechanical department – who have been deprived of their legitimate promotion to selection grade as per the notification issued by Railway Board, Dtd 07.01.2020.

The fact is that in the normal course last 5 year’s APARs are taken in consideration, and therefore rightly so, APARs upto 2018-19, were demanded. But it is understood that later on APARs of 2013-14 to 2017-18 were considered.

This adversely affected 6 officers career. It is worth pointing out, that is on account of modification in eligibility which has been modified from earlier 4 Very Good+1 Good, to all Very Good. But this has been modified in 2017 only. Hence for the APARs earlier to this date if lesser, should not have affected adversely the promotions.

Even in 2017-18, on account of some court cases, as also being logical, with due knowledge of DOPT, more than 100 officer’s promotions were reviewed and they were promoted from retrospective, due dates, if their APARs before 2017 were of Good level only, and this was taken as fit for promotions.

Even presently the same system has been adopted for MACP cases too. Therefore appeal to kindly review these promotions afresh, and grant justice to these officers, as deniel of this promotion, is going to affect adversely their pensionary benefits.

A casual perusal of the details of APARs, (enclosed herewith) that by not giving due consideration to the good work done by them earning Out Standing (OS) and Very Good (VG) with only one Good in between abnormally, shall make everybody dissappointed, for good performance.

For example sl. no. 3 earned 5 OS + 4 VGs and only one Good that also being in one part (the other being OS), is definitely kill initiative.

If only 2013-14 is ignored, 6 officers will pass the norms of all VGs, and if one Good before 2017 – the date of modification – is considered OK, as was done earlier, all most all the Sixteen (16) officers will pass the test.

Railway Board’s positive intervention will bring cheers to many officers, who are at last leg of their carear.

(*Published as per letter to Secretary, Railway Board written by S.K.Bansal, Rtd. CRSE/NR as per Officer’s Seniority List)

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