The CRB had made a grievous error of judgement
On the fateful day when #CRB was taking #tutorials of the entire #railway brass and explaining why #crowd-management is a #Safety issue, he also told the assembled gathering that #DRM/Vadodara has developed a format for monitoring the safety aspect which he (CRB) was shown by the DRM and is worth emulating by all divisions.
This is the person whom we had identified as the key lieutenant of #SudheerKumar in our Khan Market Gang (#KMG) series. Now as #DRM he is about to complete his tenure of #Vadodara Division, nearly half a dozen of his employees and officers have been booked by #CBI for #Corruption in departmental examinations.
“CBI registers a regular case against DPO and 4 others including SrDPO”
The question is, was this not the #responsibility of the #DRM to keep his flock in check? Unfortunately, he was more busy selling himself on LinkedIn and to the #RailwayBoard. He has retained his house in Delhi and is set to go back to where he had come as the DRM.
The question is, how he found time to visit CRB? Visits to one’s own house on-duty are a perk such officers enjoy. By meeting #CRB and getting him to talk about his work as exemplary is a way to send a message: #KMG is not finished.
Clearly, this #DRM was working more for his image and self-promotion than on the ground to pick clear signals that massive #Corruption was being carried out under his nose.
Blindness of this scale in itself is #corruption. Inability to read signals is the height of #incompetence which clearly entitles him to go back to the third floor of #RailBhawan sooner rather than later. His #SrDPO and #DPO were picked up by the CBI, which means his entire personnel department was compromised.
The DPO’s wife is also reportedly posted in the division. This #DPO was recently given the #GM_award while his wife got the #MR_award. Just a few days after the deadly #stampede, comes this from a favourite DRM of his.
This #scandal is considered to be bigger than the arrest of individual DRMs or PHODs. The failure of the DRM to be alerted even after the #RRB/Gorakhpur scam reveals how incompetent #DRMBRC has been? This also speaks of a mess that #IRPS has become. Not just the DRM, but also #PCPO & #SDGM need to be rooted out.
By trusting such a surf-rider, #SatishKumar, the #CRB had made a grievous error of judgement—which when seen with the Delhi stampede makes his continuation untenable—Hon’ble #PM Narendra Modi ji must note.