Today its civil services in Indian Railways, tomorrow it could be any other Civil Services

There is no doubt that cadre marger decision is first step towards the ‘demise of Indian Railways’

Apart from the ‘Injustice’ to the Civil Services, there is no doubt that this decision is first step towards the ‘demise of Indian railways’ which is life line of Indian economy. But it also should be a ‘wake up call to all Civil Services’ fraternity that the sanctity of the Civil service is lost.

Some Examples..

  1. Tomorrow engineering service in other departments such as PWD, NHAI, etc will demand taking control from Administrative service.

  2. ITBP in case of Indian Police Service. Central Armed forces have different orientation when compared with Indian Police Service.

  3. Similarly Economic Service will demand merger with civil service.
    This merger of Civil Services could also become an ‘exemplary case’ for UPSC, DOPT, and JUDICIARY to allow ‘furthur dilution of CIVIL SERVICES’.

Further, ‘New 27 Apex level posts’ are being created in Railways. We need to acknowledge that the people from engineering service who will be manning these posts will be one those who entered at the ‘age of 21’. So they will be flooding various ministries after their posting as GM.

Engineering Services of IR ‘wanted to get rid’ of Civil Services since the latter being at administrative posts were their hindrance in bleeding Railways with unwanted expenditure.

‘Without checks and balance’, it will adversely affect ‘safety of lots of passengers’, and donтАЩt forget it will include our family members also.

So, civil servants are not expecting anyone to fight their fight. But they do expect more than sympathy and moral support.

Civil servants want among them to help in ‘generating an informed opinion about the repercussions’ of such knee jerk step on Railways, Nation, National Economy and public services in entirety.

They must be aware of the recent merger of Civil Services of Indian Railways with Engineering Services.

Now it’s time, they need to put a united front. If today its civil services in Indian Railways, tomorrow it could be any other CIVIL SERVICES.

United Front posed today will not permit any anyone in future to dare to touch DIGNITY and INTEGRITY of CIVIL SERVICES

The steel frame of India is being rusted and in no time will be lost in Oblivion.

*Published as received