With out of the way support to proven elements, it was matter of time that snakes came in coaches

#Snake in AC coach no. G-17 of #Train No. 12187, Jabalpur-Mumbai #Garibrath, #Passengers were sent to another coach and G-17 was locked.

тАЬAaj se no travelling in AC coachтАЭ this is the viral opinion of general public in social media.

This is what happens when problems are allowed to remain unresolved for long. Poor #OBHS contracts, poor #maintenance of yards, uncontrolled rodent problem has contributed this. From #accidents, poor #punctuality, poor #food, smelly #toilets, leaking #roofs, poor #vendor-management, #rodent and #cockroach problem, now there is risk of #snakes, which undermines confidence totally.

But then when almost entire #PHOD level of all zones are demoralised and lost will to fight, this is but expected. Model of management for OBHS, selection of #labour to travel as #attendants, #pantries, protection to illegal #vendors cannot be tackled without credible and resolute leadership.

Starting a service which is product of one railway #factory and few #tenders is easy, but to keep daily grind in order is real challenge as increasing accidents and snakes in coaches indicate. How would google sheet management solve this problem?

Earlier for larger #railways there were fewer officers, now for smaller railways there are excessively high number of officers. And they are all #demoralised or are #motivated to partake in #tenders because there is no incentive left to do real work.

Best work is that of #vigilance, spend entire life in it, keep harrassing, demoralising and extend protection or run extortive networks. With out of the way support to such proven elements, it was matter of time that snakes came in coaches, officials trapped by #CBI, #PHODs suspended by higher courts.

Now even #signal-lights cannot be trusted-#Balasore as we wrote was 6th such #accident in 6 months where signal was lit for a different line and the #track was set for another.