DG/RDSO Neglects Passenger Safety Concerns

Over the past several months, #Railwhispers have continuously reported on how bribed officials within #RDSO have altered important policies, resulting in the upgradation of #vendors without placing even a single unit of critical #Safety items into service. This has led to the widespread distribution of safety items without any performance evaluation.

Recent examples include IV couplers, vacuum circuit breakers, undergear bogie items, and signalling cables, where #vendors were upgraded as #approved-sources without not even a single piece in actual service deployment, leave alone performance evaluation.

In stark contrast, other #vendor-approval agencies such as Production Units (#PUs) of #IndianRailways, which handle relatively less critical safety items, mandate #performance-evaluation before considering #vendor-upgrades.

Reliable sources say that during meeting chaired by the #DGRDSO to discuss the issue, almost all heads of #technical directorates of #RDSO raised their voice against such a change, which has direct impact on safety. They demanded that previous #criteria of mandatory performance evaluation must be reinstated lest it causes irreparable damage to the safety fabric of the #Railway-operations.

Reliable sources further claim that fortunately, #MTRS acknowledged our persistent reporting and instructed DG/RDSO to prepare a presentation and discuss the matter. However, despite over two months passing since this directive, DG/RDSO and ED/Stores – influenced by beneficiaries – have maintained a deafening silence and have not complied with MTRS’s directions.

DG/RDSO is deliberately ignoring the directive and seems intent on retiring without addressing these critical issues. #ED/Stores is acting as a #conduit for this misconduct, misleading everyone involved. This necessitates a high-level inquiry to identify and hold accountable those individuals who, for their personal gain, altered the #Policy having tremendous adverse impact on safety and are now remaining #silent on the issue despite directives from the #RailwayBoard.

Attached are the previous links to our comprehensive reporting on this matter-

March 15, 2024: “A Devastating Blow to Safety: Greed and Criminal Collusion in RDSO

April 9, 2024: “Policy Corruption: Compromising with Safety of Train Operation and Maintenance

June 20, 2024: “A significant threat to train-safety: The criminal connection between RDSO officials and private vendors