A significant threat to train safety: The criminal connection between RDSO officials and private vendors

The #criminal connection between #corrupt officials of #RDSO and a #syndicate of private #vendors poses a significant threat to train #safety.

Despite having substantial #evidence of corrupt practices that severely impact safety, the special DG VD has not taken any action to address the misdeeds of his predecessors.

The former special DG VD and ED/Stores accepted large bribes and altered the long-standing vendor approval policy. As a result, vendors are being approved without any evaluation of their products’ performance.

Technical directorate heads are consistently requesting the reinstatement of the previous mandatory performance evaluation for safety items before approval.

However, influenced by bribery, no action is being taken. We now have no choice but to report the matter to the CBI.

In this connection, our detailed previous reports are linked hereunder for understanding the dangerous reality affecting train safety adversely.

March 15, 2024: “A Devastating Blow to #Safety: #Greed and #Criminal Collusion in #RDSO