The days are not too far when ECR will be known as “Ek Corrupt Railway”

East Central Railway (#ECR) functions as a feudal system of ancient days. The #feudal-system culture is deeply rooted in all departments of ECR, however it is more open and common in Engineering Department.

Here #transfer and #postings are done on only two consideration that is #caste and #cash. Rules are blatantly violated by interest groups.

The corrupt officers functional in transfer and posting choose and post their own people in important #maaldar position to reap the benefits in eternity like in the recent order issued last month. In this order, the most #corrupt officer rewarded for his loyalty and timely service in cash and kind to please a particular senior officer.

Also Read: “ECR : For the Corrupt of the Corrupt and by the Corrupt

One officer who should have been removed much earlier for #inefficiency and #incompetence but was rewarded with maaldar posting at same place in lieu of his committed service in cash and kind to chair, other officers of a particular division were adjusted in place of each other, the reason is not difficult to understand.

It is clear example of feudalism. Engineering Department transfer posting has simple formula, “Paisa Do Post Lo”. Other consideration is caste.

Recently one other factor came in to picture is undue importance to Chief Track Engineer (#CTE). He is #mastermind of all the corrupt activities and provides shelter to all corrupt officials.

Read once again: “CRS-ENQUIRY of Major Accident of Train no. 12506 at Raghunathpur of ECR-An Eyewash or A Timepass!

The days are not far when ECR will be known as “Ek Corrupt Railway”.

Hon’ble Prime Minister, staff of Engineering Department of ECR need your attention and guarantee for #corruption free #ECRailway.