Uncovering Indian Railways’ Production Units: CLW’s Rot Gets Revealed

#Railwhispers has been working tirelessly to put across irregularities of various #Units of #IndianRailways

In article we published on 15 Feb, 2023: KMG_2.0: A cynic’s view – रेलवे के धनकुबेरों का सिंडीकेट”, we aimed to assist easy profiling of officers instead of resorting to unscientific process of targeting and labelling officials. Here we published:

A railway officer remarked that #IndianRailways is desperately in need of #reform and refuses to accept the dichotomy based on #ESE vs #CSE paradigm. He summarises the web of #railways’ organised services as under:

  • Those who take money from contractors are engineering services,
  • Those who take money from their customers is traffic service,
  • Those who take money from own employees is personnel service,
  • Those who are omnivores constitute Accounts, RPF and Medical services. A cynical railway officer mentioned that Indian Railways (#IR) desperately requires reform and should abandon the #dichotomy between #Engineering Services (ESE) and #Civil Services (CSE) in career progression.

While various departments such as #Commercial, #Traffic, #Personnel, #Accounts, and #RPF have their own unique stories, the sustained irregularities in the #Workshops and #Production units are particularly concerning. In previous publications, we have highlighted the details regarding #MCF, #RCF, and #BLW. Today, we shed light on #CLW, which has managed to evade #scrutiny for an extended period of time due to its geographical isolation.

However, thanks to the success of our reporting, many sources are now coming forward to share valuable information. We strive to provide equal opportunity to all parties involved and seek assistance from retired senior officers who are well-versed in the current rules and regulations.

Unlike open line officers and supervisors, production unit employees are confined to a small area and spend their entire careers in one place. It is rare for them to be transferred, even after being promoted to Group ‘B’ and Group ‘A’ positions. As we have previously witnessed with the #BLW, there was a swift #transfer of expertise from #diesel to #electric locomotive #vendor directory, thanks to a close-knit group.

With the complete electrification of the #CLW, its fortunes have significantly changed. As the controlling agency for #vendor directories and #specifications, #CLW now has almost complete control over the electric locomotive vendor directory. However, it is important to note that, following the intervention of Mr #PiyushGoyal and Mr #AshwiniVaishnaw, BLW also has some influence in this area.

Modus Operandi

In a recent publication titled, Alleged Forgery-Scandal Unearthed in Indian Railways Supply Chain”, we unveiled a case of false representation in a tender.

The case revolves around a #firm in India that misrepresented itself as an authorized representative of a #European company in a #tender, despite the fact that their #dealership arrangement had already been terminated. Such unethical acts have previously caused serious problems for railway officers.

It is worth noting that this #vendor had previously represented another European company for a product crucial to #RailwayElectrification. They were accused of importing goods at lower prices and selling them to Indian Railways at exorbitant margins.

Moreover, vendors today exploit loopholes in the Railway Design Standards Organization (#RDSO) and Production Units’ (#PUs) vendor approval processes by frequently changing their company names and transferring business ownership. This allows them to manipulate #warranty and #failure reporting portals to their advantage.

To ensure the #authenticity of our findings, we have had the case vetted by a senior retired railway officer who possesses extensive knowledge of railway #procurement processes.

This revelation highlights the urgent need for stricter measures to prevent such fraudulent activities in the Indian Railways supply chain.

Rot Exposed at CLW

In a stunning revelation, a formal #complaint filed under the Public Interest Disclosure mechanism has exposed alleged #collusion and irregularities involving officials at Chittaranjan Locomotive Works (#CLW), a crucial Production unit within the Ministry of Railways. The complaint highlights what appears to be a shocking case of #criminal collaboration between CLW officials and a private vendor, M/s #PPSInternational.

The #complaint centers on the #approval of M/s PPS International as a Regular Source for supplying #Contactor Filter ON/OFF and Contactor Filter Adaption (Type-1 Contactor) in accordance with CLW #Specification No. CLW/ES/3/0086.

#Railwhispers wrote to M/s #PPSInternational which clarified the issues from their point of view.

What are the Issues & Only Way to Correct?

The confusion arose when the #promoter changed the firm he used for seeking approval of the contactor from M/s #Simpra to M/s #PPSInternational while the approval process was ongoing. This change has reportedly affected the reporting of failures.

There are #allegations that CLW overlooked failures during #prototype tests and field performance evaluations of M/s Simpra-M/s PPS International. CLW earned very bad name in open manipulation in vendor approval practices. These were piloted by senior officers of #Electrical Department at CLW and #RailwayBoard.

When #complaints about #vendor-approval manipulation at #CLW reached the #Minister of Railways, the #RailwayBoard allowed #BLW and #PLW to also approve vendors. However, CLW still maintains control.

Problems were not just in vendor approval. There have been problems in #inspection also. Due to the extensive #malpractices at CLW and RDSO’s inspection cell, the previous #CRB implemented a more #liberal and #transparent system and introduced Third Party Inspection (#TPI).

Certain #Advisor protectees have successfully continued doing business with Indian Railways. One specific case involves an officer doing business with CLW, which has emerged from the malpractices in CLW’s vendor approval procedures. Until the Railway Board mandates the #rotation of officers in all departments of Production Units and Workshops, the #Corruption will not be stopped. To continue..