SER surpasses annual scap sale target

Kolkata: Making South Eastern Railway a “Scrap Free Zone” is one of the mission areas of this railway. As a result of continuous efforts to accomplish the mission, South Eastern Railway has sold scrap worth Rs.281.28 crore and thus surpassed the annual scrap sale target of Rs.280 crore for the financial year 2021-22 on 16th February, 2022 i.e. almost one and half months in advance.

Scrap Sale of Rs.281.28 crores is 63.53% higher than last year scrap sale of Rs.172 crore during the corresponding period. It is also more than 18% higher than last financial year’s total scrap sale of Rs.237crors.

This commendable performance has been achieved by selling 28,607  MT of scrap rails, 97167 number of concrete sleepers, 1069 number of condemned wagons, 67 number of condemned coaches, 4 number diesel locos, 896 MT of non-ferrous scrap, 18,248 MT of ferrous scrap and other miscellaneous items.

Many abandoned railway quarters, cabins and other structures and buildings were also sold during this period of current financial year which were occupying valuable space and dangerous for safety.

#Scrap #Sale #SouthEasternRailway