SER achieves 100% electrification of its network as the second Zonal Railway
Kolkata: South Eastern Railway has reached the landmark of 100% electrification of its total Route Kilometres on 9th February 2022.
South Eastern Railway is the second Zonal Railway after West Central Railway to achieve 100% electrification.
Aiming towards energy efficient and pollution free transportation, SER has always remained in the forefront of Green Initiatives.
The completion of 100% electrification work will reduce the carbon foot print in the environment.
This will also help to establish seamless train operation in SER jurisdiction.
With the electrification of Rupsa-Bangriposi section of Kharagpur Division, this 100% electrification goal has been achieved by SER.
The electrification work of the Bhanjpur-Bangriposi (34km) portion was completed on 09.02.2022. Earlier, the Electrification work of Rupsa-Bhanjpur Section (55 km) was completed on 30.03.2021.
Rupsa-Bangriposi (89 km) Electrification Project in Kharagpur Division was sanctioned in the year 2018-19 at a cost of Rs.94.89 crore.
S. Mitra, Commissioner of Railway Safety, South Eastern Circle inspected the Bhanjpur-Bangriposi Section on 9th February, 2022 along with Ishaq Khan, Principal Chief Electrical Engineer, SER, M. Pradhan, Divisional Railway Manager, Kharagpur and a team of officers from SER Headquarters and Division.