Has IRMS Become the Mess it was Feared to be?

The recent reversion and effective demotion of Members and General Managers clearly indicates that the IRMS empanelment, which has been a cause for concern, has turned out to be as unpleasant as Indian Railway’s bio-toilets

Sample these:

After a lengthy period of leaving the positions of #Level-16 and #Level-17 vacant, purportedly due to a 360-degree review conducted by the same #corrupt and #incompetent members from the #AIDS & #KMG organisations – the subordinates of #Tenderman – who were responsible for the chaotic state of affairs within the #IndianRailways, which had become an uncontrollable and inefficient entity, #appointments were finally made, disregarding numerous qualified officers.

But after such ‘rigorous’ process..
  • #GMNFR/Construction was demoted and made Director General (#DG) of #IRICEN.
  • #GMNER-The earlier PED/Vigilance of Railway Board, who reported directly to the CRB, was effectively demoted and shunted out.
  • #NaveenGulati, who was previously a General Manager for only a short period – near about 40 days – was promoted to the position of #MTRS. He becomes a Board Member, with almost three years of residual service – giving hopes of a proper tenure to board members. However, he has recently been removed from the #RailwayBoard and demoted to a non-Board position.
  • #SeemaKumar, a contentious officer who has barely worked in meaningful positions failed in her #IRMS empanelment in Level-16 of IRMS-low and behold, she was not only found suitable for Level-17 of IRMS, but she was also made a Member, Operations & Business Development (#MOBD).
  • In the past, the #DirectorGeneral (DG) of #NAIR held the position of an ex-officio General Manager and later became a Level-16 IRMS officer. However, there has been a recent change with the appointment of an outsider, non-academic #ViceChancellor who now occupies the chamber and bungalow previously used by the #DGNAIR. Humiliatingly, a senior Additional Member level officer, who has been confirmed at Level-16 of IRMS, has been appointed as the new DG/NAIR. Prior to this role, the officer had been responsible for the work of #MemberFinance following the retirement of the regular Member Finance.
  • #CORE/Prayagraj was to be wound up on 31 December 2023. However, CORE now gets a General Manager.
Has Someone Gone Bonkers?

#Railwhispers has been consistently expressing concerns about the questionable antics of Rail Bhawan. Not only has it promoted #incompetence by appointing #Tenderman as a so-called #Rail-Expert, but it has also rewarded #corrupt individuals and #extortionists. Despite repeatedly bringing these issues to the attention of the #Minister and the #CRB, no substantive action has been taken.

What kind of message does it send when the Director General of NAIR, a highly respected position responsible for the skilling needs of the country’s largest #civil organisation, has to report to a non-railway, non-academic individual, the Vice Chancellor of #GatiShakti Vishwavidyalay. Venerated Director General now sits in a junior officer’s room and stays in a junior officer’s bungalow-as the regular chamber and bungalow has been usurped by the Vice Chancellor. Who were these railway officers of rail bhawan who were ready to barter away their #academy for few months of #extension?

On top of that, the #DirectorGeneral of National Academy of Indian Railways (#NAIR) is required to seek permission from the Vice Chancellor for the use of classrooms of his own building. It seems like someone in #RailBhawan has lost their sense of direction! Why are these pretenders unable to communicate the decisions made in the letter addressed to all railway personnel? Why is #Minister and #CRB scared of telling #railwaymen what is written in files? How can they command respect and run this disciplined organisation if they themselves lack conviction?

It is no surprise that #GSV instead of being looked with respect is seen with suspicion and as a usurper. PM’s project of a Gati Shakti University merited a larger space and more creative thinking-by conflating #education of with skilling of departmental employees and officers-long term #damage has been inflicted on India’s largest civil organisation and cheated on Prime MInister’s visionary project. Its a lose-lose proposition now. So who has gained?

The recent #reversion and effective #demotion of #Members and #GeneralManagers clearly indicates that the #IRMS empanelment, which has been a cause for concern, has turned out to be as unpleasant as Indian Railway’s bio-toilets.

Not Disempowerment-it is disembowelment of the institution of General Managers

#Transformation headed by #Tenderman aka Executive-MR was allegedly about #empowerment. But these #Transformers smoked good quality weed when they implemented #KhanMarket brand of Transformation.

See following issues:
On Status: Why General Managers are not given grade of Secretary to GOI?

According to the #Railway-Act, General Managers hold the highest #authority in the functioning of the #railways. When the new IRMS scheme was being considered, the #Cabinet approved granting Secretary grade to #GeneralManagers. However, #Tenderman, who had never been granted the #Secretary grade himself, made sure that this did not happen.

In an unprecedented move, Rail Bhawan actively urged the Cabinet to withdraw the grant of Secretary grade to General Managers, despite the fact that they are crucial in the operation of the Indian Railways. This incident is unique and without #precedence in any government-perhaps without parallel in entire world.

General Managers: On being helpless

In any #Organisation, whether it be #Government or otherwise, if you fail to perform, you are typically removed from your position. However, this is not the case in the railway industry. We previously discussed the types typified by #Shamsi, who was transferred from the Railway Board to Prayagraj by the Chairman’s initiative but then, hoodwinking highest office, he was placed in the Northern Railway Head Quarters in Baroda House. This is just one example of how individuals who are not performing well are being accommodated in prominent positions within the organisation. Another instance is when officers like #Nakra who were transferred by the Chairman himself are brought to Rail Bhawan and hold and behold-made responsible for #safety!

This raises the question of who truly holds #authority within the organisation. So if CRBs are helpless and their direct instructions can be thrown in dust bins, who is a general manager? #Union leaders today dictate general managers and board members.

General Managers: On being door mats

A general manager for CORE in January 2024, when organisation has been shut on 31 December 2023! Bravo!

An ex-officio general manager responsible for training of largest #cadre of central government officers is posted at NAIR after the DG’s chamber and bungalow have been usurped!

Director General of NAIR used to be reporting officer of all DGs of CTIs. Today DG of IRICEN is an officer who was before demotion a General Manager, selected after the hullabaloo of 360 degree review and IRMS empanelment. Now all of these DGs report to a non-railway non-academic Vice Chancellor of Gati Shakti Vishwavidyalay. Person who runs a GSV, which is outside the #framework of Railway Act, incharge of thousands of crores of rail assets, outside Railway’s conduct rules, bypasses entire executive hierarchy of Railway Board, reporting to Minister himself. That makes him more powerful than the Chairman herself!

Sudheer-Sense All the Way

#SudheerKumar, oh boy, was not just a #bystander-he is not a person, he is a school of thought, a phenomenon, a philosophy that represents all that ever went wrong. Vaccines use inactive viruses to protect us. Well, #Vaccine-Wars taught us that. But hold on to your seats, because #SudheerSense has injected a whole live and deadly virus into the body of Indian Railways. And now, these new orders of Level-16 and Level-17 they’ve come up with? They’re basically saying, “Fail lower class to get distinction in higher grade”, ”Hey, pay more and get less!”, “Get a lose-lose proposition to be promoted”. So what if #Tenderman was bundled out of Third Floor’s polished corridors.

#IndianRailways has truly undergone a mind-boggling transformation, my friends. So, let’s all join hands and say a prayer. Trust me, we need it !