Mr RailMinister! Why are you protecting the corrupts and racketeers?

HC Raps Railway Officers from Rail Bhawan & RDSO: Inexcusable Negligence-Its Time to officials taken up

Mr RailMinister, as the Railway-Safety-Record declines as expected, you and your Board Officers are responsible for the loss of lives

“Fear the silent curses, Fear the divine justice, Fear the cries of the poor who were killed by the nexus, Fear the consequences of Karma”

It is an appalling state of affairs when #Railway officers, entrusted with the #responsibility of ensuring the smooth #functioning and #Safety of our railways, fail miserably in their basic duties. When such #negligence occurs, it is left to the #courts to step in and hold these officers #accountable for their actions.

A recent report by the Times of India sheds light on the scathing criticism from the #Calcutta High Court directed towards three railway officials for their non-compliance. (Reference: Times of India article titled- Cal HC’s Rap on Three Railway Officials Over Non-Compliance”.

This issue is not new and has been highlighted by this portal – – for quite some time now along with racketeering in #electronic interlocking. It is outrageous to see that the #signalling department, through a brazen mechanism, has caused a loss of over a thousand crores to the #government. This #mechanism is so audacious that it surpasses even liquor or fodder #scams in terms of its sheer boldness. Officers also talk of #Sudheer’s pet #locomotive projects as mother of #corruption.

A retired non-signalling officer raises a pertinent question – why are #RailwayBoard officers of #Signalling and #RollingStock not being booked by the #Vigilance department? Officers who give shelter to such elements in #ZonalRailways sit in #RailBhawan.

While the Railway Board keeps a close eye on all activities within the #ZonalRailways, it conveniently turns a blind eye towards the blatant #Corruption and irregularities in rolling stock and signalling #tenders. The only way to rectify this brazenness is by holding board officers accountable. Take the case of Rahul Jain, who was anything but corrupt but was hounded out simply because he recorded the role of the #Advisor aka #Tenderman, #SudheerKumar on file. This exemplifies the rot that has set in within the system.

Serious questions need to be asked of the Railway Board and the Minister in charge. When the #Minister openly threatened #PCOM/#NCR, why is he silent on officers who have conducted business through #IREPS with #IndianRailways? Moreover, when the Minister mentioned the voluntary retirement scheme (#VRS) of Rahul Jain, why are he and his board officers, who are supposedly the best of the best, turning a blind eye to the brazen corruption in the signalling department?

It is a well-known fact that the some #signalling officers are #responsible for #accidents such as the unfortunate incident in #Balasore, #Ondagram, #Raghunathpur and recently #Kantakapalli, and also very yesterday at #Parsabad station, Dhanbad-Gaya section #ECR where lives were lost. Why is the board not taking strict action against these corrupt officers? In fact many say that the #accidents actually #empower and #embolden the #corrupt in rail bhawan, #RDSO and #ZonalRailways. Sad but true, as many retired officers concur.

Furthermore, why did board officers remain silent even when the #PCSTE of #SER, under transfer orders due to #Balasore, finalised a large tender bypassing several bids to escape requirement of reverse auction? This manipulation is the reason for court’s directions.

Why have the individuals in the #Vigilance team of #RKJha-RKRai-AshokKumar, who have been proven to be #corrupt, been allowed to serve and retire comfortably while the officers they targeted lost their careers? Why have these cases not been re-investigated? Madam #CRB vigilance is with you!

Mr #RailMinister, as the #railway_safety_record declines as expected, you and your #board officers are #responsible for the loss of lives. You have blood on your hands. Despite being favored by the Hon’ble Prime Minister, those who trusted you and your #Wharton degree now have nothing but #contempt for you. They see in you the #worst qualities of both a #politician and a #bureaucrat. Why are you protecting the racketeers? You warned vigilance to behave, but you ended up protecting the corrupt vigilance instead. The #PrimeMinister himself promised to protect the honest, but you have failed him and the officers who saw a fellow #sarkari officer in you.

It has been reported that those found guilty of contempt include #CRB, #DGRDSO, and ED/Inspection Kolkata. The #EDInspection Kolkata has remained in that position for about six years, disregarding the policy of #rotation.

Madam #CRB, here are the questions: Why are you shielding individuals with questionable conduct? Why are you protecting your #corrupt-vigilance-team who have unjustly ruined the careers of officers and destroyed the image of the Railways? Not everyone is as well connected as Mr #Lahoti or you, for that matter. Do unconnected officers not deserve justice? While you and your predecessors may have achieved what you wanted, as every railway officer says, “fear the silent curses, fear the divine justice, fear the cries of the poor who were killed by this nexus. Fear the consequences of your karma.”

Pls Read the earlier articles in the link given below-

BMBS to MSDAC-Crumbling of Railway Systems