Everyone needs break once in a while — Limited over friendly cricket match

STC11 winner of the match

COVID-19 has affected our lives and living in every way possible, apart from fighting with it physcially, it has cost our mental status as well.

As things are falling in place, world is healing back, the Railway employees who worked throughout this tough pandemic time also, thought to boost and uplift their mood and mindset through a “Limited Over Friendly Cricket Match” between Santacruz Western Railway Colony West Team (STC11) and Andheri Wstern Railway Colony Team (ADH11) on Sunday, 27th December 2020.

At the end of this successful and very entertaining match, STC11 Team Western Railway Colony, Santacruz West emerges out as a winner.

The motto of event was to boost themselves and they really had a great time while following all the COVID-19 precautionary measures.

#STC11 #ADH11 #Cricket #WesternRly