Influence or money can manage anything

Not only Trackmaintainers, but all the technical and senior supervisory staff of different departments must be sent back to work as per their nature of duties in the field.

Senior Section Engineers (SSEs) and Junior Engineers (JEs) of civil engineering, electrical, mechanical and S&T including loco inspectors (LIs), chief loco inspectors (CLIs), chief ticket inspectors (CTIs), chief commercial/ marketing inspectors (CCIs/CMIs), CRIs/CRSs etc are posted in BOs officces in different DRM offices in the Divisions of Zonal Railways on pick & choose manner and allowed to work since last so many years.

If required the presence of Engineers or technical staff, or other senior supervisory staff in divisional offices, proper notification for deputation may issued by the BOs of concerned departments for genuine rotation of duties without pick & choose or skin tone selection.

Many SSE/P-Way are working in control rooms, Technical cell has to moved to work in section, since they were working at same place from Trackman and promoted as supervisors and now continuing as SSEs but not leaving the seats.

Why Principal Chief Engineers (PCE) of Zonal Railways are silent on this subject?

If Railways are planning to recognise passenger’s face on stations, why not CCTV cameras of DRM offices monitoring the outside staff even working daily since last many years.

🔍 #FacialRecognition #ZonalRailways #IndianRailways #DRMoffice #trackmaintainer #railminindia #RailwayBoard