National Railway Mazdoor Union contributed 51 lakh each to the PMCARES Fund and CMRelief Fund

The contributions being rendered by the Union to the underprivileged and marginalised class of the society are noteworthy and it’s committed endeavours to extend all type of assistance during a crisis across the country

National Railway Mazdoor Union (NRMU) is the recognized worker’s representative of Centrall Railway (CR) chosen by the employees through secret ballot elections held in 2007 and subsequently in 2013. This union further have its privilege to be the single workers union of Konkan Railway (KRCL) repeatedly elected by KRCL employees through secret ballot elections in the past.

This union apart from striving it’s best to achieve the demands and to protect the rights and privileges of the workers of CR and KR, it plays an inevitable role to mitigate the exploitation of contract workers engaged in railways and to protect their interest to the maximum extend possible.

The contributions being rendered by this union to the underprivileged and marginalised class of the society are noteworthy and it’s committed endeavours to extend all type of assistance during a crisis across the country in the aftermath of draught, flood, earthquake, psunami and devastating calamities are a proven fact.

In the backdrop of present scenario whereby the miseries engulfed the whole nation due to the outbreak of COVID-19.

The office bearers, activists and members of the union raised to the occasion and they fanned out themselves to different locations of CR & KR even to the remote areas and have distributed masks, sanitisers, soaps, hand gloves and towels to the staff, to the residents of railway colonies and even to the public, Venu P. Nair, General Secretary of the union said in a press release.

He said, Not only our volunteers have religiously followed the instructions issued by the government agencies to resist transmission of the virus through social distancing but have carried out awareness campaigns among the communities at various places across Central Railway and KRCL.

Now, continuing his legacy, Com. Nair said, “we are pleased to reveal that, this union have ensured its humble contribution of financial assistance Rs. 1,02,00000 (One Crore Two Lakhs) to the central and state government of Maharashtra and accordingly have given Rs.51,00,000 (Rs. Fifty One Lakh) to Prime Minister’s Citizen Assistance and Relief in Emergency Situation Fund (PMCARES Fund), and another Rs.51,00,000 (Rs Fifty One Lakh) to Maharashtra Chief Ministers Relief Fund on 08.04.2020”.

This union which has always kept it’s uncompromising values in service of not only to the workers of railways but to the fraternity of the nation and to the people of this nation on ethos of “Sarva Dharma Samabhaav” will continue it’s endeavours in the time to come also.