MR’s Speech-Should Railwaymen Laugh or Scurry for Cover is the Question
समस्या का समाधान इस बात पर निर्भर करता है कि, “आपका सलाहकार कौन है!”
फिल्म में अगर हीरो स्मार्ट है, तो दर्शकों की भावना यह होती है कि वह पकड़ा न जाए, और उनको यह स्मार्टनेस भी अच्छी लगती है। बस, ऐसा ही कुछ चल रहा है आजकल रेल में!
Disconnect Hon’ble Mantri ji, you talk about is in fact raising questions on your own government, why this mechanism failed?
MR’s recurring refrain in his #RailwayWeek speech was that the senior management lacked ground connect and that he had discovered the value of speaking at the cutting edge. His four exhortations on #safety, #quality, #maintenance, and #training left one wondering. Who is advising the Minister? What did he hear from the ground? Does he even have a basic understanding of what is wrong with #IndianRailways? Does he even comprehend that an organisation that must operate 24/7 requires robust systems and unwavering commitment to principled work? Where leadership is not tentative, but is enthused!
What he discussed was specifically for projects. Floating #tenders and #EPC can be scaled in any way. That’s not what Indian Railways is particularly concerned about. This indicates that he is only listening to his own echo chambers. Good luck to him.
The #system is laughing heartily while being simultaneously anxious about Minister’s comprehension of the disconnect he mentioned between senior management and cutting-edge level of workers. The engineers within the system are amused by the sheer lack of understanding of engineering education, considering #MR himself to be educated as an #engineer. They are concerned and anxious that his statements reveal a complete lack of understanding about the roles and responsibilities of different functional units and levels of officers.
While sending #PHODs or even #Members to the training school to learn #welding and #fitting may seem amusing at best, #Mantri ji actually ended up raising some serious questions about #AICTE. Engineering colleges don’t produce engineers without teaching them #welding, #fitting, #foundry practice, and #carpentry. At least that’s how it was in the 1980s and 1990s when these PHODs were engineering students. Therefore, there’s no reason to believe that PHODs of engineering department are unaware of these fundamental skills. Regular workshops had been routinely organised where cutting-edge #technology was discussed. Almost many, #IPWE, #IREE, #IRSE, and other forums like #DMG and #ESC have been platforms for adequate discussions on these aspects for decades.
Disconnect Hon’ble Mantri ji, you talk about is in fact raising questions on your own #government, why this mechanism failed?
The Two Levels of Disconnect Minister Showed
Level-I of Disconnect-Not knowing what officers do at different level
The #Minister emphasised the importance of being aware of work being done at the cutting edge of the organisation. However, it is crucial to inform him that Group ‘A’ officers do not begin their careers as Senior Managers or Senior Engineers. Instead, they commence their professional journey as Assistant Officers or Senior Scale Officers, where they spend approximately 5-8 years working closely with the working level. It is important to note that due to the reckless experimentation with recruitment practices, no fresh blood has been introduced since 2019. It is disconcerting that senior officers at #RailwayBoard have not clarified and dispelled the Minister’s misconceptions about the well-established career progression philosophy.
By the way, these young engineers possess the necessary skills and expertise in welding and riveting.
Level-II of Disconnect-Not Knowing what different functional units do
Another point he mentioned from 11:00 minutes into the #video of his speech has raised eyebrows and possibly reveals a sinister plan or a complete lack of understanding of how different functional units operate-
Regardless of the size of the #incident, whether it’s a minor or major accident, PHODs must immediately rush to the site are new instructions from the pulpit.
Indian Railways has always prided itself on its ability to handle unusual situations. Handling an #accident is the responsibility of a Division, while HQ, where the GM and PHODs work, acts as a facilitator to the Divisional officers.
Why has an instruction been given that disrupts the well-established practices? It’s not that the GM and PHODs don’t visit accident sites; however, their visits are carefully planned in consultation with the Divisions. This has been done to protect cutting-edge work from direct interference and shifting focus due to the movement of senior officers who are not directly involved in the cutting-edge work. The repeated use of the #phrase “cutting edge” serves as a reminder to the Minister that railways has its own protocols that have stood the test of time. He must be informed about how his preferred “cutting edge” is managed.
Conflicting Views-Is there a Sinister design
Ministers have discussed empowering field units, but that sounds hollow when he conflates HQ and Division roles. He has admitted to frequent meetings on maintenance issues convened by him. Field units sign files but face aggressive monitoring by HQ and the Railway Board. This is pressure tactic on levels who are supposed to sign the files and own the decisions. Field units are crying for release from culture of video conferencing. This #VC-culture has destroyed the working culture of the Railways. This ‘#corporate-style’ ties officers to desks, impacting their work with the ‘cutting edge’ Mantri ji.
This cartoon explains it the best:

Silver Lining: Good that Minister Recognised Value of PHODs-But is that Sufficient?
He finally understood the significance of PHODs.
Mantri ji, this is why we shouted over the rooftops to attract your attention—your Level 15, which gives PHODs, has its morale completely shattered. This level, which is supposed to provide leadership, is stuck in a quicksand of tentativeness, adhocism, and uncertainty. The very fact that several major decisions touted as great reforms had to be retracted, notably the recruitment of engineers, reverting to specialised services and taking construction work from #DRMs in the name of #GatiShakti—a parallel bypassing mechanism that weakened the institution of the GM and diverted divisional focus on safety—highlights the urgency of the situation.
It is imperative that the Minister restore balance to the system. Don’t forget, Mantri ji, Level-15 is the nursery for Level-16 and Level-17. Today, the morale of this level is completely broken and has learned to be politically correct and conform to the flow. This has severely impacted leadership at Zones and the Railway Board. The consequences are evident for everyone to see.
What Mantri ji Overlooked
Your core #advisors were individuals who hardly worked at decision making levels. However, you ensured that they received disproportionate rewards. The reward of the noxious #Trimurti of #Vigilance and the accommodation of some of the #toxic officers under the #Telecom ministry when you were the Minister for Telecommunication conveyed a completely different message.
While exhortations are effective for tactical endeavours, they are not suitable for process-oriented, disciplined work that is required for the Indian Railways. Your speech, Hon’ble Mantri ji, bears the hallmarks of #KMG and #AIDS, which suggests a lack of understanding of fundamental principles. Given your long tenure as Minister, it is surprising that you have made such #fundamental-errors in sizing up and appreciation of ground situation.
Your publicly calling of #SatyaKumar on #SuperApp shows another level of disconnect. Mantri ji, have you ever booked a parcel on IR? Perhaps that would give you sufficient pointers to what needs to be done before Super Apps etc, are pursued.
Where are hands on the ground which are doing right thing at right time? Excessive monitoring on few good working hands has already started giving diminishing returns long time back. Please consider changing your approach.
Smart railways still need good #toilets, toilets where even a thin person can atleast turn without rubbing against dirty walls. Smart railways need clean stations, clean coaches, clean linen, clean HVAC. Smart railways need signal panels which are wired correctly-shield on #Kavach is something which can be thought of few years later when the needed ground work is done and utility of Kavach is established (well we mean it).
With basics missing, such claims are laughable to say the least and will only bring embarrassment to the government.
Award functions serve an important role, however, from an educated minister, #railwaymen expect something better.