Modi ji, Please Note-Attack on Vande Bharat by Railwaymen – Fit case of 56(J) and 14(2)

The attack on Agra-Udaipur Vande Bharat train on 6 September is more serious than Balasore Disaster. The argument that it was a clash of unions is hogwash. #PM needs to take note of this and we give you arguments that why this is situation extraordinaire-#extraordinary by whichever way it is analysed. Horrified retired senior officers say this should be dealt in most #exemplary-manner -Editor

प्रशासनिक लापरवाही के चलते रेल में अराजकता: यह पूरा वीडियो देखें👇

On 6th September, when the Agra-Udaipur #VandeBharat was attacked by #railwaymen-

We also tweeted a thread in detail:

Ostensibly fight was between #crew of #NCR and #WCR lobbies to operate the #Train and each ostensibly had authorisation of their respective HQs.

It was covered by national dailies also:

Udaypur-Agra Vande Bharat Express train working dispute continues on third day, guard assaulted-train vandalised

let us look at the facts of the case..

What happened

The service started from 2nd September. The orders by #NCR and #WCR HQs were issued on 31st July, full one month before the service.

Order of #CPTM/NCR dated 31 July, 2024 that Kota-AGC-Kota will be with NCR
Order of #DyCOM/WCR dt. 31 July, 2024 instructing that Kota-AGC-Kota will be with WCR crew

That is for full one month it was known that there are contradictory orders for the crew. The issue was ostensibly resolved after the violent attack on Vande Bharat on #GangapurCity on same day over VC.

Resolution few hours later the violence happened on 6 September

It took one VC at the instructions of #RailwayBoard and in few hours problem which was known for full one month was resolved.

Why this Incident is More Serious Than Balasore

Balasore was reflective of a very serious malaise of railway’s current working culture. However, attack on #VandeBharat reflects complete meltdown of #Railway leadership from Railway Board down to the divisions. With this not getting resolved with seriousness and earnestness, more Balasores would be born out of this inaction.

How Rail Veterans See this

We referred the matter to retired officers who faced head on and defeated railway’s deadly #unions of past. They have great clarity which is absent in today’s ‘emotionally intelligent’ and ‘on contract’ leadership. They gave following points-the only way issue should be seen:

  1. It is #attack on a #train with #passengers inside. There is no other way to look at the issue.
  2. Train, after successful attack, was taken over violently. Again there is no other way to look at the issue.
  3. After #violent-attack, train was taken over by another set of persons. In effect train was #hijacked.
  4. There is total #failure of #administrative-leadership at the level of Railway Board, Zonal HQs and Divisions.

We discussed with other officers and they agree that what emerged was train being attacked, forcibly taken over and hijacked.

Rest all is incidental.

Now, how situation has come to this pass? There was ample warning since past full one month as can be seen in letters reproduced above.

Now secondary issues:

Matter was well known since one full month.

There was #breakdown in #railway-leadership at the level of #DRM, #HOD, #PHOD, #GM, #Board’s Dtes and #BoardMembers. And let’s not forget that this is Vande Bharat, each of which is flagged by the Hon’ble #PM himself.

Recollect the #accident of Bikaner-Guwahati on 13 January, 2022. This was traced to wrong #loco-link of the #locomotive. #Attack on #VandeBharat was triggered by wrong #crew-link !

Only Possible Action

#JayaVarmaSinha, #RavinderGoyal, #SatishKumar, #GMWCR, #GMNCR, #DRMAGC, #DRMKota need to be sent off by invoking 56(J). Smt. Jaya Varma Sinha is in a tribunal and should be sacked from it given gravity of the incident.

Each and every #person seen in #video should be removed from service by invoking 14(2).

There is no other way #Modi ji – this is complete #breakdown of #administrative-machinery. You need to hold your #Minister accountable. #Railwaymen are horrified – how can a #revenue-train be attacked and hijacked? How can things come to such a pass? Why lessons of Bikaner-Guwahati and Balasore not learnt?