प्रशासनिक समन्वय के अभाव में रेल में अराजकता

यह पूरा वीडियो देखें👇

इस मामले में #GMNCR, #GMWCR के साथ दोनों #CPTM सहित #DRM/Agra, #DRM/Kota भी जिम्मेदार हैं! अराजक स्टाफ की पहचान करके इन सबके विरुद्ध कड़ी अनुशासनिक कार्रवाई की जानी चाहिए!

Unprecedented and unacceptable

#MaldaTown_derailment also was caused by poor planning. Here #poor_planning and #deaf_admn led to this serious act.

A #revenue_train_attacked, staff working the train manhandled. It is not yet clear under what authority the #crew was detrained and another crew boarded. Further it is not clear what happened on the other end.

If it is true that #WCR crew also had authorisation then it is not clear how was train running till now?

The earlier order of #NCR is dt 31 July. Also order of #WCR is dated same day. How was the train running?

Clear failure of #RailwayBoard. Departure of #SeemaKumar was followed by #accident at #Gonda. Departure of #JayaVarmaSinha is greeted by this incident.

#Modi ji sack immediately #MTRS and #MOBD. The same MTRS is now your new #CRB. Sack both the #GM and concerned #HODs/#PHODs of NCR and WCR.

After incident a video conferencing (#VC) is conducted and links revised.

Total Gundaraj

Emotionally Intelligent #GMs and #BoardMembers and Artificially Intelligent #RailMinister! And on ground crew fighting and trains meeting accidents.

Now it is clear why situation is so helpless and hopeless.

If system can’t even maintain links of #Shatabdis, #Rajdhanis, #VandeBharats – धिक्कार है।

Another reason why not number of #Zones should be reduced.

Matters should not be dismissed as inter-union fight. How #RPF intelligence failed.

Udaypur-Agra Vande Bharat Express train working dispute continues on third day, guard assaulted-train vandalised

#WCR और #NCR के conflicting आदेश का तुरंत resolution होना चाहिए था। बोर्ड क्या कर रहा है? वर्तमान MOBD पहले GM/NCR ही थे।

हमने पहले ही आशंका जताई थी कि क्यों एक राजनैतिक पार्टी रेल में रुचि रख रही है। जब आईटी #emotionallyintelligent अधिकारियों और निकम्मों का समर्थन सरकार करेगी, तब ये तो होना ही है। #जयावर्मासिन्हा और #सीमाकुमार की तरह ही वर्तमान #MOBD #रवींद्रगोयल भी रिटायरमेंट के बाद मजे करेंगे। पीछे आग लगे तो लगे! wait for detailed report… Contd…