Unadulterated Chamchagiri is rewarding in Railways

A #joker type of sorts is the blue eyed boy in the Railways ! This “Scientist” of the marooned Insane Rejected Tottering Service (#IRTS) heads the IT #PSU of #IndianRailways today as #MD and enjoying life of the #Railway under the benign protection of the top Boss !

This fountain head of #stupid-ideas is touted as the modern day #Tughlaq in Indian Railways. The whole world laughs at him for his outlandish ideas and utopian schemes. Almost everything that he has done is frowned at by sane, experienced and mature #Railwaymen of all denominations but they are lapped up as earth shattering inventions by the top boss.

Read some of the #specialisations of this blue eyed boy-

  1. He first came up with a very long and boring “research” on line capacity ! No one dared to read that.
  2. Then, this gentleman created a pompous sounding control office at a colossal cost in Mumbai as #DRM and named it Command and Control Centre. Today, neither any Command nor any Control emanates from this deserted room. This is nothing but a glorified lunch room and gossipers’ refuse now.
  3. Then, he impressed upon the Hon’ble and self his costly and hilarious idea of Joint Postal Project which is a damp squib today.
  4. As if all this was not enough, this infamous #ChaturSingh is now hell bent upon replacing his own cadre and putting his cronies of other branches at important posts under him. This has invited wide spread opprobrium from the demoralised and frustrated cadre which has been up in arms against the unending idiotic antics of this buffoon in any case.
  5. But, the problem remains.. The top boss is deeply impressed with this character who would have been removed from service in any sane dispensation for the amount of stupidity contained in his large skull !

On the contrary, it’s likely that this man will be made the head of the upcoming South Coast Railway !

These days, unadulterated #Chamchagiri is very rewarding indeed !