Finally, justice prevailed, and a potential blunder in the MCF could be timely averted..

#Railwhispers had previously published a detailed report highlighting why Modern Coach Factory (#MCF) authorities were determined to award #contracts worth hundreds of crores to a particular #vendor, despite a pending #CVC recommendation to initiate a ban on their business.

The vendor had jeopardized #passenger-safety by failing to provide #fire-barrier cloth in newly furnished coaches, as required by previous contracts, and therefore, CVC had advised to ban the business. Our report (link provided below) exposed these actions, and, fearing further #scrutiny, the authorities quickly canceled the #tender, recovered ₹60 Lakhs and also submitted a proposal to the #RailwayBoard to ban the business with the vendor.

August 2, 2024: “A U-Turn that Raises Questions on MTRS-Alarming Instance of criminal collusion between a private Company and few greedy officials of MCF and Railway Board

The #swift and #corrective actions taken, particularly by the #GM-MCF, who recognized the #gravity of the situation and responded promptly to our report, are highly commendable. This incident also underscores the power of truth and strengthens our resolve to remain unwavering in our duty to the nation, regardless of the challenges we face.