Railways: What Needs to be Done Urgently

#IndianRailways is facing a #classic-dilemma, much like an ace swimmer who suddenly gets afraid of water while swimming. At the #top-level, in #Level-15, the officers in-charge are feeling thoroughly demotivated. Levels-16 and Level-17 are filled with individuals who are either scheming or simply going with the flow, they lack #credibility and are only feared for their #ability to enforce punishment.

We have delved into how things went wrong and why #IndianRailways continue to spiral downhill. The increase in #investments has only fuelled #Corruption and overall disillusionment, as no efforts have been made to build the capacity necessary to handle the growing #asset base. This burden is weighing down the railways.

Due to the inherent #potential of the #railways to revitalise and stimulate the mainland and hinterland, the #Modi-government has spared no expense in investing in the sector. Moreover, this investment does not come with any strings-no dividend! The #shortsighted-leadership has only come up with ideas that act as money pits, as these investments will not be repaid.

The Reset

Services have vanished, there are no #engineers around. The #Civil-Servants, the gentleman with stiff collars and neck ties and gentle-ladies with fancy sarees will swirl first flush from #Darjeeling pondering why unwashed masses who travel on #trains or work on #tracks get ever so demanding.

The railways have become stagnant due to the removal of engineers from the equation, though the fact remains that many engineers needed to be removed. The organisation has forgotten how to reduce unit costs and is at risk of losing control of its assets to the private sector.

The Ticking Time Bomb-Uncontrolled Divisions

As we brought out Level-15 is either acting inert, #waiting for their #promotions, else they sit totally #demotivated. Level-16, from which #GMs come is discredited lot as is Level-17. #RailwayBoard, #Zonal HQs are, hence totally down and out either on #motivation or on credibility.

The focus of Divisional Railway Managers (#DRMs) has shifted from #Safety and #asset-maintenance to #GatiShakti Projects due to changes brought about by the #Sudheer School of Management. DRMs are usually #JeetendraSingh types-zero on credibility and charisma but score 100% on #political correctness. Moreover, the short tenure of DRMs and the lack of charismatic, credible leaders have left branches and branch officers (#BOs) unchecked, leading to cases of #extortion and #bribery within the system.

Every work which gets done calls for tribute money to be paid. What was earlier bane of #stores and #finance is now afflicting #engineering badly. S&T is particularly in dire straits. #Balasore just opened can or worms on #quality of work. It is sad that instead of addressing the #root-cause, #CRB directed her entire attention to correction of wiring, something which was needed as band aid, but this let people responsible totally off the hook. We will look in to #commercial and #operating rackets in a later article where customers are supposed to pay #tribute money.

What Needs to be Done-First Step

It needs to be #acknowledged that Level-17 (Board Members), Level-16 (Additional Members and General Managers) do not have stable or predictable tenures. Maximum part of Level-15 is disheartened and broken. Who is now guiding Level-14 and Level-13, which constitute the Branch Officers (#BOs) level? This silent disruption like acid is rapidly eating in to strength of Indian Railways. #SudheerKumar and his #KMG has just made challenges more difficult. How to even begin?

Beginning can be incremental-bringing changes which can be handled by #executives. Straight forward changes which do not need #Policy-intervention-but plain, honest work delivery by #Members of Railway Board. Start with #rotation. Change #geography on #promotion is first level of change. #Return to same #station must not happen before a gap of 5 years instead of traditional 2 year kept for DRMs. Else railways will lose its national character.

Mr. #RailMinister, wish you a very happy Holi with your family members and staff, and all rail-pariwar.
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