Unless top shows spine to rotate officers, nothing would change!

Hon’ble Minister and CRB sir, your team has violated prudent and wise directions of DOPT

रेलमंत्री और सीआरबी #AIDS और #KMG से कैसे घिरे हैं, हमने इस ‘काम्प्लेक्स’ विषय को डायग्राम के जरिये बताने की कोशिश की थी – अश्विनी वैष्णव जी, आप पहले मंत्री नहीं हैं, जो ‘खान मार्केट गैंग’से घिरे हैं! आपके पास आने वाली फाइल और बातें नियंत्रित हैं #KGM द्वारा! आपकी और आपके निर्णयों की विश्वसनीयता (क्रेडिबिलिटी) इससे बुरी तरह प्रभावित हुई है। आपके कार्यकाल (टेन्योर) तो निकल ही जाएंगे, वैसे भी अमृतत्व की बूटी किसी के पास नहीं, लेकिन व्यवस्था और संस्थाओं का विनाश का जो मंजर आप छोड़कर जा रहे हैं, पूछा आप से ही जाएगा! आज भी करण थापर अपने पिताजी जनरल थापर की गलतियों के लिए गाली खाते हैं-यह न भूलें!

रेल में परिवर्तन की आवश्यकता है, यह सब मानते हैं। देबरॉय कमेटी ने 10 साल का समय रखा था परिवर्तन के लिए। लेकिन, स्वयं की महत्वाकांक्षा के चलते, इसे केवल ‘सुधीर दृष्टि’ से ही देखा गया और आज ऐसी स्थिति हो गई कि रेल कोई डार्क कॉमेडी फिल्म जैसी बनकर रह गई है।

#RailWhispers had highlighted the lack of transparency and manipulation of multi-source feedback aka 360 degree review in the following reports: The team of Minister is manipulating 360 degree and resulted in a round loss of morale! and There was another conflict of interest!

The Narrative

Many people claim that outcome of GM selection has been good as good people have been thrown up. Well, narrative building has been hallmark of Lutyen’s cabal spearheaded by the Khan Maket Gang.

Let us go back to basics and test the narrative and also examine the hypothesis that all is hunky dory.

As we lack resources of the #KMG, we crowdsourced the 360° review of the panel which was selected to moderate multi-source feedback to screen the Level-16 panel for promotions as GMs.

There are three aspects to be examined:
1. Those who selected,
2. Those who got selected, and
3. Those who gamed the system.

Aspect no. 1: The Ugly Truth – Those who Selected

The result of crowdsourced multi-sourced feedback was published here and is briefly quoted below again my:

• Manoj Pandey/IRPS: Known to be extremely docile, never known to have taken a stand. He is rumoured to have confided that he selected as told. This is in line with his past-fall in line with bosses.

• Arun Sharma/IRSME: Serious allegations of corruption against him.

• Sharad K Mallik/IRAS: Serious allegations of corruption which led to truncated tenure at Rail Bhawan. He allegedly got furnishing of Mr Lalu Yadav’s house done.

• Satish Kumar/IRSE: He has served as secretary, railway board but was never considered to be person who was exposed to decision making which a general manager and a member has to take. Man of files.

Two members bear serious charges of corruption! Does #KMG want specific cases also to be published and embarrass the government further?

It is hence established that the panel which selects has itself a lot to answer for. 1st Question which arises:

If the committee which selects is vitiated by the same principles which it seeks to apply, should not the outcome be ultra vires?

Aspect No. 2: Dark Comedy – Those who got Selected & Those who Didn’t

First on those who didn’t make the cut:

We published how it was ironical that an officer who served under the PCME of the current GM/NR, is now a member (MTRS)! GM/NR despite being one of the senior most officers of Indian Railways retires as a general manager, whereas his junior retires as MTRS. Irony does not end here. Looking after MTRS failed to make the cut as GM!

All looking after GMs and looking after Members failed to be successful in the screening by the process. A few odd CVOs also failed!

#RailWhispers also raised an important question on how the composite score used to screen is arrived at. Given the opaqueness of the process let us analyse our first principles.

The final panel being arrived at would consist of the following component scores:

• Emotional Intelligence Score
• Multi-Source Feedback
• Evaluation of Essays, past contributions, ideas for the future, fitness of the applied position.

This assumes that all those who were in the zone of consideration had cleared D&AR in lines with DOPT guidelines.

One more important thing: no one would have risen to Level-15 if they had an integrity column in APAR not filled or shown ‘doubtful’.

Now examine the above three components:

On component no. 1, #RailWhispers had published that:

A foreign company not meeting #MakeInIndia criteria was given order in manipulated procurement process which is like single tender. Further, the person who is doing the test is a PhD guide at ISB of current Advisor, the #TenderMan who is facing serious allegations of manipulative and vindictive politics – a simple poll of officers would reveal this. Read the story here again: The team of Minister is manipulating 360 degree and resulted in a round loss of morale! And There was another conflict of interest!

#RailWhispers also published that there are specialised agencies of DRDO which work in the very same area. The award of work to a Canadian firm is not different from importing items by tweaking specifications to disqualify Indian products which are available perhaps practically free of cost. फंस गया इस बार खान मार्केट गैंग का प्लान!

Component no. 1 is hence discredited on grounds of prudence, probity and on whiff of corruption. How is quid pro quo not seen by hon’ble Minister and CRB? do they not see that they are overlooking charges of corruption?

Let us look at other two..

#RailWhispers published how the 360 degree panel was compromised. 50% of the panel has serious charges of corruption, 25% is known as spineless. 100% is beholden. This panel, as our crowdsourced multi sourced feedback revealed, fails on very principles which it seeks to apply. The committee lacked #OLQ which is the core of government officers.

Component no. 2, stands summarily discredited.

Coming to Component no. 3, who evaluated these essays? What is their competence and awareness of the issues which Indian Railways face? Who are in today’s ad-hoc Railway Board who can talk about problems of Indian Railways assets, finances, business outlook? Even PEDs were favoured by promoting them in higher positions in the railway board, something which was always frowned upon in the past.

Each attempt of #RailWhispers to crowdsource feedback on Component no. 3 was met with one reply-hearty laugh! Not one person could even figure out one person of seniority in the screening panel or in today’s Board who had credibility to do this. So what are we up to now? Not one component stands on its feet. So how was the selection done?

#RailWhispers has always appealed to the CRB and Hon’ble Railway Minister that the process should be made robust, fair and transparent. The result of such a process may not be perfect but the credibility of the process would improve. People who emerge from such a process will carry moral authority to lead and spend public money. Even members of PESB are pre-announced.

Now that all key components of the process are proven discredited, let us #factcheck narrative that the outcome of this process threw up good choices.

Very few got selected and 122 got a stamp of rejection. Since the process is claimed to be a great success we come to a choice which will haunt and also hold out as an example of our claim that price will be paid only by the Ministers. क्या खराब रिजल्ट की कीमत केवल रेलमंत्री ही चुकाएंगे!

Railway Minister sir does word #Khatauli ring a bell?

Aspect no. 3: Those who gamed the system

This is the accident near Delhi, which killed more than 24 people and injured 154.

Photo caption: khatauli accident

(credit: https://www.firstpost.com/india/utkal-express-derailment-train-traffic-has-been-restored-in-khatauli-says-indian-railways-3956473.html).

Implications: 13 railwaymen were sacked. Member, GM, CTE, DRM, SrDEN sent on forced leave and then transferred – this was unprecedented – but was befitting the kind of fundamental managerial breakdown that happened.

#KhatauliKeKhalnayak: Alok Kansal is in a romantic mood with his wife Smt. Tanuja Kansal
#KhatauliKeKhalnayak: Mr R. N. Singh, the DRM/Delhi Division & now the GM/SR.

सरकार किसी की भी हो-सिस्टम तो हमारा है- Villians of #Khatauli who were promoted, thanks to #KMG, despite sacrifice of Railway Minister (MR)!

Mr Suresh Prabhu, then Railway Minister got sacked. Mr Piyush Goyal came.

People thought a new government means business unlike the previous government.

But as #RailWhispers established, the government failed to spot real enemies with in-the #KMG!

Mr Piyush Goel was convinced by then #KMG to:

• elevate this Chief Track Engineer (CTE/NR) as GM of Western Railway. Alok Kansal’s tenure was mired with very serious charges of ineptitude, favouritism, total lack of officer like qualities (#OLQ).

• rehabilitate the DRM as PED in Railway Board and gave him additional charge of Secretary Railway Board!

• All sacked p-way employees were reinstated one by one with pressure and interference of the unions and federations, khel khatam paisa hazam.

Mr Piyush Goyal finally paid price due to choices he was convinced to make. Now Railway Minister sir, you make this Divisional Railway Manager a General Manager. This is what #RailWhispers means as direct hit of graduates of Khan Market School of Management.

किस बात का इमोशनल इंटेलिजेंस टेस्ट, किस बात का मल्टी सोर्स फीडबैक मान्यवर? पुरानी और आपकी प्रोसेस से उस एक्सीडेंट के दो सीधे जिम्मेदार अधिकारी जीएम बन जाते हैं (जीएम पश्चिम रेलवे और दक्षिण रेलवे)! क्या बदला? कुछ भी तो नहीं! यही तो हम भी कह रहे हैं सर जी!

#KGM मॉडल: वही आएंगे, उन्हीं को एक्सटेंशन भी! और तो और, नौकरी में तो कुंडली मारे बैठे ही हैं, वही रिटायरमेंट के बाद भी आएंगे! धन्य है सर आपका यह सिस्टम। साधुवाद इस मंडली को!

यह तो अब स्थापित हो गया है कि आप पैसिव रहे हों, फाइलों पर साइन न किया हो, तभी आप जोन ऑ कंसिडरेशन में आएंगे। अब आपके द्वारा और आपके पहले वाले रेलमंत्री जी ने ये भी स्टैब्लिश कर दिया कि अधिकारी को जीएम बनाने के लिए एक्सीडेंट करवाना भी आवश्यक है।

डीजी/सेफ्टी की पोस्ट तो वैसे ही खाली पडी है, तो पोस्ट ही स्क्रैप कर दें। पहले वाले अधिकारी नासमझ थे जिन्होंने सेफ्टी पर अपने जुल्फें सफेद कर दीं और बीमारियां पाल लीं। अब समझ आया सब व्यर्थ था – फिर सेफ्टी कमेटी क्यों बनवाई सर!

आरडीएसओ को तो बंद ही करवा दिया है-वहां की पोस्टिंग भी #KMG ही कंट्रोल करे और उन्हें गाली भी दे – क्या कमाल है! सीआरबी साहेब आप तो इंजीनियर हैं, क्या आरडीएसओ के वेंडर वाले भाग को अलग नहीं कर सकते थे आप, जैसे इंस्पेक्शन को आप कर रहे हैं? क्या लाखों-करोड़ों का सामान केवल ठेकेदार ही बनवाएंगे, चलवाएंगे और भारतीय रेल का कोई एक्सपर्ट उसको और उनकी फेल्योर पर रेल के पक्ष को नहीं रखेगा?

आज जब रेलवे स्टेशन के प्लेटफार्म पर खड़े लोगों को मार रही है, तो बीएमबीएस (#BMBS) के मामले में आपके पास एक भी ऐसा अधिकारी क्यों नहीं बचा जो सच विश्वसनीयता के साथ रख सके? इसकी जिम्मेदारी आपकी है! Kalyug – Now Train Climbs On Platform and Kills!

Advisor to MR, ED/PG in MR cell, Establishment Officer-most powerful human resources (HR) officer of Indian Railways and ED/CC under CRB are current products of this school. These people will never allow grip of vendors to weaken on railways, क्योंकि ये स्पष्टवादिता से डरते हैं और सीधी-सच बात इनके अस्तित्व और विचारधारा के लिए जहर है।

No wonder, Hon’ble Minister for Railways and CRB sir, you both have also fallen prey to Khan Market School of Management. Your offices are ‘ably’ supported by officers who have spent more than 50 years just in one building-Rail Bhawan !!!

Irony is that – senior most of the mechanical, traffic, civil, finance – officers are available as general managers who enjoy popularity and credibility in the system, but officers much junior to them and from other services man the respective member positions in traction, traffic, finance and infrastructure. They rose to this position on their impeccable integrity, they all served as frontline DRMs and now as GMs for more than one year. But how those who presided over accidents have been made GMs by two successive Ministers show the grip of #KMG. It is in interest of #KMG to ensure that Members are ad-hoc officers as they are beholden to #KMG, और चुपचाप फाइलें साइन करेंगे।

Faces would keep changing, unless top show spine to rotate officers! (#RailWhispers had shown how just top four influencers have put in more than 50 years in Rail Bhawan!!!) bad will drive out good.

चलिए, चलते-चलते ये भी देखें कि #DOPT क्या कहता है-


Hon’ble Minister sir and CRB sir, your team has violated prudent and wise directions of DOPT. आपने इनका वायलेशन देखा और होने दिया, ये जानते हुए कि ये लोग बिना ग्रेड मिले रेल के इतिहास के सबसे बड़े टेंडर करेंगे!

सक्षम पहले तो दिल्ली ही रहते थे, जो और मजबूत थे, वे दिल्ली में फिर पोस्टिंग भी मलाईदार ले लेते थे, अब तो रिटायरमेंट के भी बाद वापसी हो रही है! सतीश अग्निहोत्री और अमिताभ बनर्जी से लगता है हमने सीख नहीं ली!

Assessment of #KMG is correct, no one of spine is left to fight for their rights. Your decision to act only through beholden officers will surely cause trouble to other ministries.

Sir, only one thing – rotation is vaccine against deadly #AIDS (All India Delhi Service), vector of this disease is #KMG. This alone will make Indian Railways perform to the expectation of our Hon’ble PM who has dismantled systems of patronage even in something as subjective as Padma awards.

#RailWhispers once again appeal Hon’ble Minister for Railways and CRB sir to kindly evaluate through independent agencies and we would be very happy to be proven wrong. Please ask your directorates to publish details on issues we have raised!

Thanking you!!
Suresh Tripathi

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